
Whats best/ easiest way to clean around keyboard keys?

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No, I won't shake my keybord, even I'm not that stupid ( close, I admit)




  1. Use one of those compressed air sprays. You can pick one up at most hardware/electronics stores for about $5 for a 12oz. can. Just don't spray yourself--it's pretty cold air (mixed with other mostly safe chemicals I presume) that gets shot out when used. If you're at work, check with your IT department. They should have cases of this stuff lying around.  

  2. How can a Feather Duster clean the keyboard? LMAO.

    Get it, pick it up turn it upside down and SHAKE IT!  

  3. Take it outside and turn it upside down, bang the bottom gently to get all the dust out then use a wet wipe to clean the keys. If it's really bad then use the vacuum to suck the dust out or even a can of compressed air if you have some.

  4. using a cotton bud can help, or sometimes when the computer is turned off, i get the vacuum cleaner nozzle and put it over the keyboard a couple of times. it usually works for me.

  5. I want to clean my laptop keys too because there is a lot of cat fur in them. My cat loves to sit on the laptop because it is warm. I am not sure exactly how to clean the keyboard, but I think I am going to use a Lysol disinfecting wipe and then vacuum the dust/fur out.

  6. I usually just use a damp cloth to get anything off the actual keys themselves and I use the vacuum cleaner (hose) to get anything out from in between the keys.

  7. ~~First turn off you rcomputer. Then I use a q-tip and rubbing alcohol. If you have canned air, turn the keyboard on it's side and spray the air in between the keys. You won't believe what comes out of there!~~

  8. clean with brush!

  9. I use flattened q tips dipped in alcohol

  10. Feather duster

  11. Q Tip.

    or one of those cans that spray air.  

  12. using a damp old toothbrush works a treat, or one of those air -dusters to get the dust out. use both for a real clean =]

  13. buy a can of air to get the dust from in between the keys  

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