
Whats best male or female dog?

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we wanna get a dog should we get a male or female ( please give reasons




  1. Well, if you have children, Felame for certain. They are more gentle and caring around them then a Male would. However, the do cost mroe to get spayed. Males can be good to, but they may have a tad bit mroe aggression, and not so patient with people. That just MY opinion.

  2. A female dog will love you, a male dog will be in love with you.

  3. I've heard male dogs like women better and vice versa. I got two boys and they love me. Also - I don't want to deal with period blood.

  4. Well if your a boy, you would want to get a female more because they would bond more to you, and if your a girl then a male because they bond more to you, its opposites attract

  5. male and female dogs are both amazing. I have two boy dogs and two girl dogs. My female dog is actually more aggressive out of all them. I think it just depends on personality nothing on gender.

    But make sure you get your male dog neutered or they can be a pain.

  6. Little girl dogs have a tendency to wee-wee when they are excited.  I've found little boy dogs easier to potty train outside.

  7. female becausae their more calm.

    also they are loyal and cute and things like that

    i have three male dogs, and my fiance doesnt want a girl

    but the male dogs are dominant, pee to mark territory, and hump everything in site until you get them nutered. and then they STILL hump eachother

    lol. just go with females. i think youll like them better.

  8. Females are more gentle, snuggly and loving. Males are more active, Aggressive and playful

  9. Depends on the breed but in my experience with Boxers males are more protective of the house and the family in it as well as they are more active.

  10. A Female As Long as they are spade because if not every 6 months they will Milk and it gets kinda messy and for the male it really depends if there an aggressive breed or not because females even if they are a aggressive breed they are still sweet and cuddly the aggressive breed only applys with males so if you are really unsure i would go with a female because they will be nice no matter what.

  11. It really depends what you are looking for in a dog - company, watchdog? A fixed female is usually quieter, and not so high maintenance as a male. She can be a good watchdog and often does not show the aggression that males do (depending on the breed). An unfixed female is a pain in the neck every month if you plan on having her as a house dog. A male is a good watchdog, has more energy but will lift his leg against anything outside the house. If a neighbours dog is in heat the male will turn into a Jekyll and Hyde. I'd go with the fixed female.

  12. when you get your dog get it spayed/neutred

  13. FEMALES! they are more caring, playful, and nice but males are more aggressive, and they like to fight and run around.

    i guess it depends on which one is best for you.

    *girls rule and boys drool!!!!*

  14. English mastiff

  15. It is commonly thought that the females will make the best pets, but that is really incorrect.  Male dogs are much more likely to be best buddies and friends.  The girls have their places to go, things to do, and people to see, and will generally not be as clingy as the boys.  I also thought this when I was first involved with dogs, but after getting my first male at a time when I already had a couple of girls, I soon learned.  I still really love my girls, but I have seen puppies right out of the whelping box show the same temperament.  The boy pups are the real lovers and the girls will give a quick kiss and cuddle and they are on the go.  

    Another advantage to getting a male puppy is that is is much cheaper to have them neutered than it is to have a female spayed.  The boy will often get to come home just hours after the surgery while the girl will usually have to stay overnight as it is a much more difficult surgery.

    And one more advantage is that because so many people have this false idea that the girls are better, the best pups in a litter will usually be available since they will be the boys.  And depending upon the breed, they are usually cheaper to buy.

    Good Luck with your new puppy.

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