
Whats best to do in Canterbury England apart from the cathedral?

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Im visiting Canterbury and want to make best of my short stay. Does anyone know whats the best things to do here




  1. Ask around as to who has the best cucumber sandwiches and scones and visit there.  Then while you are having High Tea, you can ask about interesting things to do and where to go for Dinner.  The people are very friendly and will give you a lot of information.

  2. If you want a bit of a dance, try the Works which is the nightclub by the station

  3. if you like history dont miss the cathedral also the "canterbury tales" is worth a visit if your into chaucer. also the roman museum. all these are within a few minuites of each other .there are also numerouse cafes etc also river trips from the weavers restaurant bridge. depending on the day wed is market day . westgate towers also only 5 mins walk. depends how old you are and what your looking for but most anything can be found in canterbury. cheers lenny

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