
Whats better, Army, RAF, or Navy?

by Guest64301  |  earlier

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what is better in the long run,?

i have passed all the tests for the army and been offerd a place and ment to start traning on the 20th september - but somthing is holding me ack, i wanner join one of them but i was hooked on the army idea but now im not toooooo sure!!





  1. From an entirely unreasonable and biased perspective, the Royal Navy are the best. Especially the crew of HMS Exeter who are probably the finest sailors known to man.

  2. my advice is to join the RAF. it is rewarding and you'll enjoy the job too. it is always exciting and fun to see innovation and the whole aspect of flying gets amusing for you. in the long run, working for RAF can earn you loads of respect, while working and even after retiring. you can show yourself as an individual, whereas in army or navy you are always part of a group and not seen or heard.  

  3. most people have jitters when enlisting. don't second guess yourself and go with it. if you don't like it switch when your contract is up. although i'm sure you'll love it.  

  4. RAF!

    That's just me but I would totally go for them, :)

  5. So far you have had replies from a teenage American and a 17 year old Brit, neither of whom could possibly have the experience to answer you. What trade or career do you wish to follow whilst you are serving would be the first question i would ask you. When you have decided that look at which service would be most qualified to offer the necessary training. My son is now a qualified helicopter engineer with the RN but all of the services could have offered that training his preference was for the Navy for other reasons than just quality of training. You will gain respect with whichever service you eventually choose.

  6. It depends on what you want.  Both what you want to do (and what you enjoy) and what you want from the service.  If you want to run around with a gun, you could go for Army infantry, RAF Regiment, or Royal Marine Commando.

    If you want to specialise in a trade you need to speak to all three services and see what they can offer you.  Good Luck.

  7. you have to decide what you want to do, what trade do you want, you say you are starting the 20th in what trade, ask them for more time if you're not sure.

  8. my advice is to join the RAF. it is rewarding and you'll enjoy the job too.  

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