
Whats better, or genes reunited?

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I have paid Ancestry which I think is really good, I find genes reunited a bit c**p as you have to buy credits. But I am a HALF paying member that lets me contact people with hot matches.

But as I never tried looking at records with gense I dont really know if its any good.

What is better?




  1. there both c**p. u ave to  pay on nearly every 1, of the sites to find ur past, try find my past ,might help, or ur local houing site,

  2. For records and Ancestry has a much wider base including access to things such as the BT telephone directories for most of the 20th century plus a lot of local archival stuff.Where they show transcribed records from the original source have found a lot of errors which can be confusing ! Genes Reunited I find  really good for matching but  pretty limited on the scope of records to look up .

  3. There's nothing records-wise that Genes Reunited have that you can't get on Ancestry.  

    I was a full paid member of GR for about 2 years when I first started out.  I've found many many distant cousins.  A few of them I am still in regular contact with by email several years down the line.  Several more were kind enough to send me old family photos they had.  Some came back my way from the most unlikely sources.  In that respect, it was definately worth the money.  Their "hot mtaches" system was pretty c**p to say the least, and even today I still get random emails from people who think that one of my people who was born in Manchester might be the same as one of their people born in London just because they happened to be born around the same year - it never took the birthplace into account.

    The only thing I'd really like Ancestry to get is the foreign BMD indexes and military returns, because that means an extra subscription to  I don't understand why they have the normal returns, but not the foreign and consular lists too.  It'd be nice also if they reached a proper agreement with scotlandspeople to actually put up the Scottish census images rather than just the index that they have now, but I guess the Scottish Registration Office want the money for themselves and aren't going to share it with anyone as online genealogy is a nice little earner for them.  I can't afford the subscriptions to all these many sites so I usually just alternate them with some pay-per-view credits.  For example, one month I'll buy a batch at scotlandspeople, the next a few batches of credits at ancestry - whatever branch of my tree I happen to be working on.

    As for Genes Reunited, I'm pretty "fished out" of distant cousins over there at the moment so haven't renewed in nearly two years.  I've not had a match in two years now either.  That's not to say there's other cousins out there who might start their tree tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year, so I keep my tree up there in the hope that one of them might find me.  It's a great site for beginners, but one that you can outgrow very quickly.  It's also difficult to stop being abrupt or rude when people keep writing to you about "hot matches" that are so obviously bogus.  I guess that people are very possessive of their surname, think it is somehow unique and that everyone else who puts it in their tree is a relative.  There is some pretty crazy thinking out there on that site.

  4. Hello Leanne,

      I tried Genes reunited before I decided to go for the world deluxe package with the ancestry's, I have to say I find Genes a right pain because of having to buy credits, and the amount of look-ups I am doing at the moment I would be well and truly skint. I think that /.com is excellent, and I am not really interested in having membership to anything else. Ancestry gets my vote Leanne.

  5. I suppose it is down to personal preference. I did like Genes Reunited until very recently. I temporary used Ancestry and I prefered it because it had more to offer.

  6. The LDS is starting up a pilot site.  I think they think is charging way too much.  They have started their own.  They have been adding more and more records every day.

    Try this link and put it in your favs

  7. There is well respected 'top contributer' here named 'Itsjustme'.

    She strives to help folk with questions regarding genealogy. I don't know in which category on here genealogy is in though.

    I cannot help you further I am afraid, because I have never tried these sites, however I hope you find 'It'sjustme'.

    She will provide the best assistance.


    I just found her Leanne. She is in the arts and humanities section. Top contributer. will accept and respond to emails regarding this.

    Tell her MG sends his regards.

    (I have been drinking. I didn't realise I was already in the genealogy section. ROFL. ha,ha.)

    Hello 'itsjustme'

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