
Whats better 2 hours max exercising or little and often?

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Karate student - looking for assistance with fitness specific to this art/ sport. TIA




  1. you want to be exercsing 2 hours max but often too. liek every other day. after all practice makes perfect. although you do need to get your rest aswell. But 2 hrs at a time is good because you can warm up and do cardio work for 30 mins at the start, cool down and cardio work for 30 mins at the end and 1hr of practicing the specific jabs, kicks, blocks, take downs and sparring in the middle. but with a good diet and plenty or rehydration with some thing like lucozade sport you can make the most of a regular 2hr session. the best thing to do it to prepare and plan your session to get the most out of it no matter how long or short it is. hope this helps

  2. Depends on the person. My personal regimen looks like this.

    Morning Wake Up - Pushups/Crunches/Planks and 30 mins of Free Sparring.

    Home from work -

    20 Mins Stretching

    20 Mins Form

    20 Mins Free Sparring

    15 Minutes Kicking Drills

    15 Minutes Hand Strikes

    10 Minutes Meditation.

    Before Bed - Pushups/Crunches/Planks in sets.

    I do that Monday through Saturday and take Sunday off.

  3. do circuit training targeting all muscle groups with light weights as often as possible (4x/week).  It's better than strenght training.  It will give you  more endurance and better overall conditioning, which is what you want when you're training in martial arts.

  4. its better to do little and often to still stay healty than to do it once

  5. It depends on what you are doing. 2 hours of skills training is ok.

    As for fitness and intensity. you don't want to go for more than 3 minutes per round, because most fights only last within 10 seconds if both of you know what you are doing. The first to make a mistake get the knockout. So, train for a few rounds, vary your time with each rounds, but no more than 3 minutes per round. You want to increase the workload per round but not the time. After all, you are training to fight on the street, with no gloves on and anything goes, the fight should be really quick. You want to be able to explore, like a sprinter.

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