
Whats better NFL or Rugby?

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Whats better NFL or Rugby?




  1. If you want to see big hits made by girls who run 30 yards to hit a stationery player, who is padded up to the eyeballs the the American NFL is for you.

    If you want to watch big hits made by men who batter each other for 80 mins constantly with no padding and running at each other from 10 yards with no padding and still make the big hit then the Australian NRL is for you.

    NFL = National Football League

    NRL  = National Rugby League

  2. Rugby by far, NFL is for girls!!!

  3. It depends on what you are looking for.

    If you want to watch a sport that is all about the players and spectators, stick with rugby.

    If you want to watch a 1 hour match that takes more than 3 hours to play; want to watch a game that is run by the coaching staff rather than the players; and watch a game whose only values are those of its corporate sponsors and TV channels, then watch NFL.

  4. Rugby.  No pads.

  5. rubgy for def the men are fitter

  6. As the first answer suggests, one difference is that both codes of rugby are played by real men, and do not wear padding. The americans however, seem to be scared of getting hurt and pad themselves upto the eyeballs. A bunch of softies really!

  7. Rugby no question...

    did I mention the tight shorts... ;-P

  8. Rugby, it's NFL plus.

  9. sorry but whats nfl?? no im not that stupid i jst dont kno what it stands for                is i national football league??

  10. I agree with whoever said that you can't compare the two. They're two very different sports. People who like Rugby like the constant action and motion. (and yes - there are no pads). People who like American Football like it because of its combination of skill, finesse, and brutality.

    On the flip side, American football is very stop and go, which some new spectators find boring. Rugby can seem very confusing and chaotic to someone who doesn't know the rules or is a new fan. I personally like the NFL better, probably because i was raised in an NFL house.

    Anyway - Go Giants

  11. 2 totally diferent sports.

    You can't compare.

    I prefer Rugby, doesn't mean it's better.

    A lot of Americans seem to prefer American Football.

  12. nfl

  13. Not only is rugby action packed, non-stop movement of the ball for 40 minutes a half, there are no substitutions, no huddles to chat about the best plan, no switching between offense and defense, no consulting with the overhead view of cameras that have taken pictures of previous defensive plays of the opposition, no coach to make big decisions for you every second, no time out breaks, no reviewing of a ref's call, no 4 chances to advance down the field.  Rugby requires quick thinking, endurance, agility, speed, strength, and the ability to adapt a plan to the current situation (and get your whole team on board with you).  NFL is action packed for 10 seconds every few minutes to run set plays that they've practiced hundreds of times.  Plus Ruggers do it all without pads and helmets!  Sure, I still watch NFL... DA BEARS!!!!!...but thats really only because theres not a lot of Rugby on TV in the states!!  Of course rugby is a better sport... by defintion it IS more of a sport!

  14. Different altogether but...there are stud athletes who could hold ther own in both codes,I personally think the U.S A would take to Rugby Lge in a big way but as in all things sporty u need affiliation with the teams

  15. Rugby, NFL players are wimps

  16. Rugby.More Passion.

  17. NFL - go packers

  18. Rugby is a real mans game, hard and fast.

  19. Rugby, real men, no pads, no helmets, gloves off, all action, cant seem to understand how it takes 3 hours to play a game which takes an hour

  20. no doubt in saying rugby. they have no pads and are generally a lot tougher than nfl players. Plus rugby requires more skill than just practically running into each other and doing weird touchdown celebrations. In rugby the celebrations after tries can be rather good like Gareth Thomas' Iotola!

  21. NFL - For wimps who want to be tough.

    Rugby - Gentlemen who are tough.

    Baseball - we have the in Europe too, we call it rounders. We dont have the uniforms or cheerleaders and only girls play it!

    Basketball - For tall wimps.

    Ice-hockey - not bad, just get rid of the padding. (see hurling in Ireland)

  22. Rugby,no protection - more manly men

  23. Rugby of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But I think it depends on your "culture".  For instance I used to watch rugby with my father every Saterday and he would explain to me all the rules.  

    Then again,I have friends who don't like rugby because they don't understand the game.  Maybe that's why I find football boring and not so physical as rugby

  24. You have to take pity on NFL, it's only played in one part of the world. Unlike rugby, which is a pretty much a global sport.

    ok that's enough pity. Rugby is best

  25. In my opinion, Rugby. I've nothing against American Football, but I don't personally like it. Rugby requires all the players to be more skilled in both Attack and Defence and requires more higher stamina/fitness levels.  There are players in American Football who NEVER touch a ball...

  26. Rugby, by far! amaerican footy's good but it's just so slow....

    aussie rules is really good though, although a bit different

  27. Rugby.

    NFL has too many stopages, and they are forever changing the entire team.

  28. Rugby cos England are the world champions

  29. Both games are great, but most Rugby players think wearing pads and hats is sissy, but then most of the top-flight rugby players now wear lots of pads and scrum caps so aren't they heading the same way?

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