
Whats better cigarettes or roll your own?

by  |  earlier

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i know that neither is good before people start preaching!!!!, but was wondering if one is "better for you" as in chemicals etc

Random question and i don't smoke




  1. Roll your own, less chemicals that tailor made and cheaper.

  2. Nope they are all designed to kill you for a fee.

  3. rollys are better then normal ciggies but i prefer normal ones anyway

  4. rollies, cheaper and tastier

  5. Rollies do have less chemicals, and they (in my opinion) taste better, but I can only smoke them with a menthol filter tip.

    Roll-ups are soooo much cheaper too.

  6. Roll ups are apparently better and they taste abit nicer too...although you are right no smoking is good.

  7. Most people smoke roll-ups for the cheapness of them like myself, but I do prefer shop bought cigarettes, I think this is because there are more additives in them than tobacco and this is what our body is craving, shop bought cigarettes once lit will stay lit but roll-ups will go out this is just one of the additives that keep them alight

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