
Whats better: jump serving or regular serving?

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Whats better: jump serving or regular serving?




  1. for a woman you have to have a really good control of the ball to be able to jump serve , not many women jump serve but those that do it are really good , then on the other hand that stay on the ground and serve have very good control and weight on the ball so it is hard to choose between the two.

  2. jump serve is more powerful than a regular serve, that is of cuz if u could control it and do it right, otherwise it means nothing.  however, i don't think u need to be tall to hav a good jump serve.  it's all about timing and control.  hey, what if u r short but can jump really really high?  =P

    but anything is good if u can master it well.  i kno a girl who can do a floater, and also those balls that's like coming "horizontally" right at ur face, w/ an underhand serve (amazing isn't it?) another girl does a hard driven ball w/ her round house serve.  so it's all about what u want to go for and make it work!

    besides floaters, i also think those hard driven balls that just make over w/ only like an inch above the net is hard to recve.. whatever they call those.

  3. Depending on your control. What does your coach say?  Do you have better control and speed on a regular serve or a jump serve? Try them both and see how you feel/

  4. to me a harder serve to pass is the regular float serve.  as long as you can see where a jump serve is going you can usually get there in time to pass the ball perfectly everytime.  the float serve moves through the air and is very difficult to be able to read on where it is going.  that is why i work so hard on my float serve bc if you have a good float, you get a lot of aces from people shanking the ball, so just work on the float serve by being aggressive and controling the ball but still be able to have a fast serve. it will take time but it is worth it

  5. Both are good.  Some people can make their jump serve a killer and others their regular serve.  However, it is good to know how to do both.  If you are able to serve both with confidence, then when you get up to serve in a game, you could possible confuse the other team and even scare them if you go from one serve to another!  

    I love to jump serve, as well as serving a floater.

  6. Jump serving's a waste of time unless you are tall.

  7. well personaly if you can jump serve its great, you get harder serves and they are WAY more intimidating. So i would say jump serving is better, although, regular serving is more consitant and you can have different ways to serve, like a top spin or whatever... hope that helped!

  8. depends on your style and level of control you have over the ball. personally with jump serve i can't even hit the ball over the net, whereas with the regular overhead serve i can score aces. i used to play tennis so i guess that's why i prefer regular serves. :)

  9. For me regular serving is better because I have more control of where it is going to go.

  10. regular serving

  11. Depends on what that person prefers. A person would have to have great control to jump serve, but it may make more kills in a game. Regular serving can get the job done(thats what I use), and I can serve pretty hard just doing it that way. I guess it's all in how much force and control you have behind either one.

  12. both

    it's whatever serve the game calls for. if you try a jump serve and they're having a tough time receiving it, keep it up, you found one of their weaknesses. but when they start to adjust to it, switch it up and try to challenge them again. if you don't have good control on your jump serve, don't do it. it's more embarassing to miss a jump serve so unless you're confident in it, don't use it.

    and regular serving, you'll usually have better control. it's harder to spot serve with a jump serve. so if you're going for placement, go with regular. if you're going for power and speed, go with jump (IF you can)

    but always remember, never keep serving the same way too long! unless they really just CANT receive it, you need to change it up. they'll start to adjust too much

  13. A jump serve is usually very inconstant, but if you can perfect it it can be very useful. A regular serve is always constant. Usual always works. You just have to get your throw right. That's the major problem people have with over hand serves, is that people can't get a good toss. So it totally depends on what you can do best. If you constantly miss a regular over hand serve and kinda so spike it down try and jump serving. I hope this helps!!!

  14. It really depends on your serve..But if your tall (unlike me lol) Jump serving would be your best bet...but it all really matters on what you feel more comfortable with..Like i like regular serving more that jump serving..But it all depends on how many more aces you get and which one you like better.


  15. Watching women play naked volleyball and jump serving :P

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