
Whats better money web design or programming

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I am 15 and i love my computer!!! Ive already learnt javascript, html, css and c . ive already decided i want to be one of the two because its the only career i would enjoy. so could someone tell me the pros amd cons of both





  2. programming has more demand and opportunity.

  3. Hilarious.

  4. Programming is better because it needs more education and experience. For example, at my school its a 3 year course for computer programmer but only 2 semesters for web design. Many people are web designers with no education. There are bazillions of web designers and no one needs them, because its easy, and people can learn it quickly. Only certain people can be programmers, it takes alot more education.

    I was in the same position as you, and i spent so much time on the computer that it seemed like the only logical choice. I've finished my first year of college and here are the courses we took (so you know what to learn)...

    1st semester..

    1. Networking (everyone takes it in 1st semester.. its just the basics

    2. Java

    3. SQL (EVERYWHERE uses sql.. LEARN IT!).. specifically relational databases

    4. Careers (lame)

    5. Hardware and Operating systems.

    6. Business

    2nd Semester

    1. More Java (OOP with Java.. eclipse)

    2. More sql  (Intermediate relational databases.... SQLplus and oracle)

    3. Web design (Html, css, actionscript)

    4. C++

    5. Teamwork

    6. English

    7. Ecommerce aka business

    So you have a good start on what you've learned.. I suggest learning OOP Java too.. Its really easy and my favorite... and SQL is used pretty much everywhere, its pretty easy too. also, .net and .asp are more common now than html and css and javascript. But once you've learned a few its easy to learn more

    I'm now between my 2nd and 3rd semester on an internship starting at like 20/hour... and thats for an intern... a web designer (unless they have a well known company or work for somewhere good) can expect that much with years experience. I'm doing a bit of pure SQL (for reports and such).. LOTS of Lotusscript (not many places use it, but its used to manipulate databases,,, its actually almost exactly the same to Javascript.. or so i've beeen told since i don't know javascript)... and starting on Synon which is pretty old technology no one really uses..

    so yeah.. sounds like you're on the right track but programming is the better choice for sure

  5. I can't believe people will say its a programming is a better opportunity then web design. I would say its equal.

    Depend on how good you are and how you can manage the work flow.

    Now to the pros and cons

    Pros- Creating, Programming sites I tend to do both and enjoy it because I am good at it.

    Cons- You are going to have to deal with very harsh clients some point in your life, its not pretty but we get through it. Please have a contract before you start no matter what.

    Don't get disappointed in freelancing, its very tough.

    When you decide to get a job, pick a firm that is right for you and a pay that you agree on.

    Its simple really. Its all life experience. Sometimes a web designer gets paid more then a programmer or likewise.  

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