
Whats better.....???????

by  |  earlier

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coca-cola or pepsi




  1. PEPSI by far Coke is to sweet!

    Coke is OK if I have a slice of lemon in it!

  2. Coco cola in the bottle! It tastes more natural!

  3. BOTH =]]

  4. coca-cola!

  5. Coke is better. I dont know why pepsi exists. The pepsi company could of invented a better drink instead of tryin to copy coke.  

    Alot of people cant tell the difference between them. If u pour out a glass of pepsi, and sit a coke can beside it, they'll think its coke, and the other way around.

  6. i like pepsi better. cause coca cola has this thing that hurts your throat.

  7. well i personally really like coca-cola but pepsi is ok!

  8. coca-cola :)

    pepsi is too sweet

  9. pepsi

  10. coca-cola

  11. They're both pretty good, but I like pepsi products better. Hey and did u know that pepsi has a vanilla base and coke has a lemon base

  12. the generic aldis cola, but pepsi's great for belching.

  13. Pepsi is far more superior in taste!!!

  14. I asked this quetion 3 days ago and i like coke a cola more but it tastes better with lemon i miss those

  15. co-ca cola is better

  16. coca-cola

    the original , pepsi is second rate (both good names though)

  17. Pepsi. Coca-cola leaves that sticky feeling in your mouth, and you have to wash it ut with water, so whats the point?

  18. Coca-cola :)

    Pepsi just took the ingredients and added more sugar. Cola was first, Pepsi just copied it to made money.

  19. i like both, they both taste the same to me

  20. co-co-co-la. i really don't see why everybody likes pepsi so much

  21. I prefer coca-cola but pepsi still tastes nice my favourite drink of all though  r the 1s u mixe with water

  22. dr.pepper is better.haha

    i guess coke.

    Hope I Helped!

  23. pepsi is better coca-cola give me heart burn

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