
Whats better the American Dental Association or the British Dental Association?

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Just wondering ?




  1. That depends on where you live if your in the UK its better than the U.S where a lot of dentist a not properly registerd.

    But in terms of protection The BDA give you mnore protection all dentist must be registered to practice and quilified. If they cause harm or over charge your are better protedted in the uk and it makes no diffrence weather they pratice on the NHS or privately. They must still comply with the act and spiret of the Law.

    In the uk you also have the right to claim damages and cost in the connty courts for harm, damage caused, costs of legal action inc. writeing letters and time there in. You may even claim for the costs to pay for the damage caused to put right the harm to your apprearence etc!

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  2. Go on each of their websites and check them out.....and then interview members from each association....but since there are probably not many that have membership in both it might be a difficult process to find those members.....

    You have some work to do....go to it!!!

  3. The American Dental Association is all about image. Bright white venires, perfect alignment and straight, neat gums.

    The British Dental Association however focuses itself on its customers having healthy, strong and natural teeth.

    Therefore, it is down to a matter of opinion. I personally think that the BDA is "better", however "better" really is a bland word and everyone will have a different perspective.

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