
Whats better to build muscle strength?

by  |  earlier

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more and faster reps with less weight


less and slower reps with more weight




  1. Explosive heavy lifts of 5 reps and 3 sets.

    You bring the weight down under control but you push it up as fast as possible.

    Powerlifter style.

  2. alternating will shock the muscles and strengthen them...hope that helps

  3. less and slower reps with more weight

  4. It depends on your fitness level.

    Heavier weights = Lower reps

    Lighter weights = Moderate reps.

    If you can do about 2 - 3 reps of 1- - 15 with great ease you can up the weights a little. You want some resistance but not so much that you increase the risk of injury.

    Listen to your body. Either way you'll see results. Heavier weights doesn't mean you'll increase your mass. also make sure your diet is in check, it clean and get enough protein for your muscles. a good place to go to get information (they have TONS of great articles) is

    You don't need to look as big as some of the people there but they provide a lot of sund information on nutrition and training.

  5. Less and slower reps with more weight.

    Do both techniques in one workout:

    - Come back to the start position very slow and then an explosive movement for the rep.

    - Both concentric and accentric movements should be very slow.

    These will give you strength, definition and endurance.

  6. It depends on your goal.  To increase your limit strength, the amount of weight you can lift for a single repetition, do shorter sets with more weight.  Experienced lifters can use sets of 1-3 reps.  For novices, it's better to use sets of 5.

    To increase power, the combination of speed and strength, sets of 3-5 reps are best. The exercises you do for power are different from the exercises you do for strength.  Power cleans are the most popular.

    To build local muscular endurance, the ability to exert a strong force for 30 seconds to several minutes, use longer sets of 15-20 reps.  This involves using quite a bit less weight than you'd use for a shorter set.  Sets this long will also build up your pain tolerance.

  7. usually a tempo of 2 on the negative and 1 on the positive is preferred for strength training

  8. heavier weights if you're looking to get stronger, less weights with faster/more reps if you just want to tone your body  

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