
Whats better to cheer some1 up on a Saturday night- Tokaji wine or Italian Prosecco Raboso vino spumante?

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ones a white wine the other is a fizzy rose




  1. I think Prosecco would be more festive...bubbles always are.

  2. Asti spuplenty

    Always did the trick when I needed cheering up.

    Dont drink these days so permanently miserable.

    Good luck chick

  3. I'ts been my experience that if a choice between one or another arises, choose both.To upset one maker of spirits results in lower sales for that maker. Meaning they may have to go out of business. Then the next time you choose the one you didn't choose the first time, they're out of business. Hundreds, may be thousands , of formally hard working men and women are driven to begging for cheap Russian Vodka on the streets of Rome and Paris. Wine barrel makers are forced to re-tool so they can make cheap Chines surveniors for the Olmpics. Makers of fine cork are reduced to producing tile knock-offs for the Asian market. Do you want to live with this on your Soul? I think not! Save the World! Help stimulate the economy. Put a dent in the cheap Russian Vodka market. Drink both!

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