
Whats better treadmill, cross trainer.....? URGENT!!?

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Whats better to lose weight from the stomach and the thighs?

options are :


cross trainer

and bike (gym one)

thanks x




  1. You burn more calories on the cross trainer than on the treadmill or the bike. Beside the Cardio you might want to try reverse crunches. I am attaching a site that has different exercises listed (with how to videos and info on what part of the body it targets.)  

  2. The best way to loose weight is to eat less. It takes about an hour of aeobic work to loose 600 calories, and thats only half of what a minimum diet normally contains, so on a normal food routine you need to work several hours!

    And as to where its best to loose weight, it depends on where you find you have too much fat. Dieting usually affects the stomach fat first, but not always.

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