
Whats bigger?

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whats bigger a .270 or a .308?

which do u prefer?

what do u think is better for coyote?

we also have a 22\250 but we want something else




  1. Excellent answers! That 22/250 is a great coyote gun unless you’re going for very long shots. I found it to be less than a 400 yard gun for coyotes unless you nail it just right.

    The .308 is slightly more accurate then the 30-06 at long distance but has a larger drop with less oomph. In eastern Montana and Wyoming I had a lot of fun shooting coyotes out to 600yards with a 165 gr boat tail spitzer point. But it does a number on the pelt. My friend, a better shot than I with a rifle was able to hit some at 780 yards away with that round. This was confirmed with 2 range finders and walking it off. Of course this was stationary coyotes. But we were able to hit them running at 300 yards with one out of 2 or 3 shots. The difference here is that it killed them out right any where in the chest area whereas the 22/250 may not, because it just didn’t have the power of a 06 that far. And we did use a 22/250 those time also.

    The .308 did about as well as the 06 just a bit more drop that made long shots harder.

    Don’t think those shots were impressive as some of the locals there dropped yotes out to 900 yards.

    Please note I never shoot game that far, just varmints.

    Hope this helped ya.

  2. The 308. is a little bigger but i prefer the 270. any day. I think the 270. is one of the best cartridges ever made.

    The 270. would be better for coyote but the 22-250 would probally be the best if you want to keep the fur, if you dont want to keep it then stick with the 270.

  3. .270 is a 30/06 necked down. the .308 is a smaller case with a larger diameter bullet. .308 is a lot easier on the shoulder. .308 is by far my choice if i was picking between the two. i have owned both. i have never hunted coyote but my buddy, who has for years says that your 22/250 would be his choice out of the three.

  4. The 270 gets more muzzle velocity. It is over 2,000 feet per second faster than the 308.* If thats what you mean by bigger.* Either one will do.*~  A 222 or 22-250 is ideal for Coyote.*~

  5. The .308 is bigger, and i would prefer the .270 for coyote because the .308 would cause to much damage to the meat and fur.

  6. Use the 22/250 for the coyotes- the 308 has a thicker sectional density then the .270- but the level of performance will have to go to the .270 by a slight margin- a little flatter trajectory, a little more velocity, but there is not enough difference to recommend one over the other- they are both fine calibers for deer sized game.

  7. .308 is bigger and I prefer .308 but out of the two the .270 is a better choice for coyote.

    22/250 would be absolutely one of the best cartridges ever for coyotes.

  8. #1 Q:  What's bigger, a .270 or a .308?

    #2 Q:  Which do u prefer?

    #3 Q:  Which is better for coyote?


    A #1:  The .308 is bigger.  It is a wider bore, 7.62 (or .30 caliber) vs. 27 caliber.  It shoots heavier rounds, up to 200 grain bullet weight.

    A #2:  For all around, all purpose bring along just in case I prefer the .308 Winchester.  Shooting strictly deer size game I would lean toward the .270 Winchester.

    A #3:  Depends on whether or not I intend to keep the pelt.  If I'm interested in the pelt I would prefer the .308 with FMJ bullets.  Otherwise either would do.  If I even owned a .22-250 that's the one I might use just for coyote, again if I didn't care about the pelt.

    Hope that helped.


  9. youl be just fine with a 308

  10. A .308 has a larger diameter, but the .270 is faster, flatter, and packs considerably more punch, so as a practicality the .270 is a bigger round which compares more to the 30/06 (.270 is a little smaller slug than the 30/06 with a bit faster fps) The 308 round really isn't in their class as far as delivery of energy to the target or range with a good large game bullet.

    I like the .270 and I own 2 of them. That's more because of the innate accuracy of the round, because you can adjust for 30/06's  more arched trajectory, but the .270 is more reliably accurate in groups and only looses a fraction in hitting power to the 30/06 until you get out far enough that you probably don't want to try the shot.

    The 308 is a good round, but it's not as high performance as .270 as I said, though the military has used it very effectively in snipper rifles in the past.

    I would prefer the 308 for closer shots though, more knock down power in close, as the .270 would be more likely to pass clear through a deer sized animal when set up for a 200 yard + shot and the extra power would be wasted.

    The .308 is really much for a coyote, in case you were asking that. And don't get me wrong, it is a fine deer round, just not an overly powerful one. I've used .243 and 30/30 though and done just fine, and they are not as strong as the .308.

    You have a 22/250 and are wondering what would better for coyote? You have an outstanding coyote gun there and any talk of another round being superior would be based on opinion only. If there is another round I like better it's the .257 Roberts because of it's amazing accuracy and I tend to like a little more punch for a clean kill. Many prefer the .220 swift because it's faster and flatter under 200 yards, though the small slug tends to peter out comparatively quickly. Some like the .223 better because it has less umph and preserves hides, and it's enough to reach out a bit over 200 yards accurately (not much more) and take a coyote.

  11. .270 has a .277 diameter bullet. the .308 has, you guessed it, a .308 diameter bullet. For coyote hunting you would be better off with the .308 due to accuracy of the cartridge and reduced amount of powder burned per round over the .270.

    This is not only a handloading consideration (burning less powder) but a case of eroding your barrel quicker with the large powder charge quantity of the .270.

    If you are looking for a varmint rifle only, I would consider a 25-06. If you want it to double as a Big-Game rifle get the .270. The .308 will suffice for either varmints or Big Game.
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