
Whats bipolar disorder?

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symptoms, not worring about cure




  1. Lay person answer, obviously.

    If you picture mood on a scale from -10 to +10, with 0 being 'normal'  -10 being depressed, and +10 being frantically on top of the world, a bipolar person tends to hop from -10 to +10 with no middle setting.

    Sometimes the end points on the scale change, so someone might only have a -10 and 0 setting, or maybe they are at -5 and +5.  The idea is that there is no middle ground, they are either at one extreme or the other.

    Folks call it mood swings because a normal person would progress through intermediate stages, where a bipolar person goes from one extreme to the other.  But it does not mean that they hop back and forth moment to moment, but that they are most always in one or the other extreme.

    Its also called manic-depression, because there are only two moods; mania, and depression.

    If the person is either lethargic and depressed, or wildly energetic with plans to do amazing things,  that may suggest bipolar disorder.

  2. Really high high's, really low lows. Unlike ordinary mood swings, bipolar disorder is much more intense and disruptive to everyday functioning, affecting energy, activity levels, judgment, and behavior.

    During a manic episode, a person might impulsively quit a job, charge up huge amounts of debt, or feel rested after sleeping two hours. During a depressive episode, the same person might be too tired to get out of bed and full of self-loathing and hopelessness over his or her unemployment status and credit card bills.

  3. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function. Different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. They can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide.  

  4. Per the DSM (the psychiatric diagnostic bible), it's periods of depression or mania lasting at least one week or longer.  This up/down within a day happens in children and very young teens, otherwise it's very rare and mostly a popular misconception, reactivity, or a personality disorder.  There are three main states - serious depression, mania, and mixed (depressed and manic together).  Mania often is too much energy, racing thoughts, little need for sleep, disinhibition, etc up to possible psychosis.  Depression you probably know about.  Mixed is manic symptoms but with all the painful hurt and negativity of depression.  It is the worst state of all.  Almost all with the illness have periods of normalcy in between mood states, sometimes for years.  Rapid cycling is four or more mood changes in a year.  This is not uncommon, but on a monthly basis is.  Daily changes is ultra rapid cycling and it is very rare as already said.

    With treatment, most with bipolar can live normal lives, steady relationships, and accomplish anything.

  5. severe depression like manic depression. can be controlled by lithium i think. one day u could be grand but ur mood can chfange on a daily basis. one extreme to the next. i have depression, not severe but came off prozac cos med in most cases makes u worse...........

  6. It's a lie.  Its a made up condition.  The drug companies made it up to try to get everyone on Prozac, and SSRI's.

    Everyone gets depressed.  No one needs drugs for it.

    Its just like restless leg syndrome.  Another made up illness invented by the drug companies to sell drugs.

  7. You have mood swings. You are one day on top of the world feel like you can do anything and nothing can stop you. Then you get super super depressed.Usually because you made bad decisions during the super high time or cause your brain is imbalanced.There are mild and severe cases of bipolar and each person is affected slightly different.

    No its not a made up condition you obviously don't have it. Its not a regular depression or high. It can actually get in the way of everyday life and some people have to be on medication.

  8. major mood swings that cannot be explained from a bodily standpoint. i.e. hormones are out of whack. etc. It's where you go from happy to sad in a matter of minutes or days. Could be many days/months that you are on a high (undertaking major projects in which you have no knowledge of how to do- sky diving when you have never been before) or to the deep depression where you want to just die and not live another day. Both can last from a few minutes to a few yrs.It's best contolled with medication.

  9. I think it is a new olympic event   lol  jk

    it is the feeling of depression, like a downward spiralling sensation that seems to have no source and that you cannot stop w/o an outside influence or chemical change complicated also by periods of manic glee or extreme agitation during times that there is no true anxious situation.

    try this link:


  11. A Bipolar disorder is a type of mood disorder characterised by phases of depression and elation. These two phases are separated in time and are literally poles apart in their presentation. For instance the depressive phase manifests in the form of low energy levels, loss of drive, pessimism and disturbance of sleep, apetite and libido. Patients usually feel so miserable, they report to the doctor and in the absence of treatment may bget suicidal. However in the elated phase one feels excesivel overconfident, grandiose, talkative and feels a decreased need for sleep. usually there is no insight leading to avoidance of treatment. The condition is treatable with long term therapy but when the symptoms go, the patient can usually work the way he or she used to work before the diagnosis.

  12. Mood swings.

  13. yeah mood swings is basically it. one minute you could be happy and cheerful, and the next you're crying to absolutely no reason. if you suspect you have it i suggest seeing a professional immediately to get medications.

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