
Whats cheaper 737 or a320? please explain why?

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Whats cheaper 737 or a320? please explain why?




  1. Prices of airliners are hard to pin down because the aircraft manufacturers will discount heavily to make a sale.  According to the wiki article about the A320 the unit price is $73.3 while the 737-NG unit cost is listed at 49-85 million. When it comes to selling airliners either one will meet or undercut their prices to make a sale knowing that future purchases of spare parts will eventually show a profit for the sale.  


  2. Airbus is the drug dealer of airplane companies. They practically give them away until the airline is hooked on 'em.

    They'll never go bankrupt, as the EU taxpayer is subsidising them.

  3. I have worked for a few regional airlines in all cases they went with the A319/320 over the B737 and I was told it was due to cost.

    I do not know the cost in terms of MSRP but I was told by my airline management since Airbus is subsidised by the government, they are able to offer price breaks and deferred payents that Boeing is not.

    Hope this helps answer your question.

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