
Whats do you love the most? and whats your greatest fear?

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Whats do you love the most? and whats your greatest fear?




  1. I love BUSINESS the most.

    Greatest fear: GOING BANKRUPT!

  2. Love: being around the right people

    Fear: not being around the right peole. ~

  3. I love my uni work and applying some of the things I have learned to life, from meditation and helping others learn, to appreciation for good music.

    Learning is what I love the most.

    My Greatest fear: Funny but I have no overwhelming fear. I think all will be well as long as I apply caution across various circumstances.  

  4. I Love God, my country, my family, my friends

    My greatest fear is finding out my greatest fear

  5. Love: My fiance.

    Fear: Porcelain dolls and greenhouses.

  6. my family

    my kids dying before me  

  7. I love high principles that I've learned from my mother.  My greatest fear is not being able to support myself  financially.      

  8. Who I love the most is 1. God  2. My kids

    Greatest fear-outliving any of my children or future grandkids

  9. acting and stuart townsend/zombie and sharks

  10. Love- God, Family, Friends

    Fear- That i won't be here for the people i love.

    What about you?

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