
Whats does it mean when a car has a "stripped head"?

by  |  earlier

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im currently searching for a cheap car that will last me until i get my credit score high enough to purchase a brand new one flat out. i have about 2500 dollars to work. so ive been looking in the local newspapers and craigslist. i found a decent car, but its being sold very cheap. cheaper than id assume a 2001 ford explorer should go for (its 1500). the owner said that it has a stripped head that can be fixed with a 15 dollar heli coil. i have alot of questions about the whole thing. first im wondering what a stripped head is. second what is a heli coil? third is it really that cheap to fix? fourth, (told you there were alot of questions lol) is a car with a stripped head drivable or will i need to tow it to a shop? and finally, will a stripped head cause other areas of the vehicle to malfunction? im really dumb when it comes to cars so any help would be greatly appreciated. thanx in advance!




  1. I am thinking what they are referring to is stripped head bolts.  The bolt is fine, but the threads in the block are ripped out.  Now I would leave it to a machine shop to put in a helicoil(which basically is a coil of threads) into the hole so that the head bolt can be torqued down properly.    It will fasten down just like normal.   Ask a machine shop on how much it would cost for them to do the work.

       Oh, that could be a head bolt or a spark plug.  What ever has threads.  It happens.

  2. A stripped hole where the sparkplug screws in. Helicoil is very common repair. I'd make him do the repair, then see how the car runs. I laugh when the guy says, "Oh it's an easy cheap fix. You do it" Yeah right. Nice try.  

  3. Ask this seller what is striped out.  If he fixes it before you buy it,  Then take it to a mechanic you trust and have it gone through.  cheap car = more problems.

  4. I wouldn't buy it. A stripped head means that the spark plug got forced out of the head and stripping it on it's way out. I had an Expedition that had a stripped head and the Ford Dealer wanted 3.2K to repair but I found a mobile company that re threads the head. A heli coil is a temporary fix to the problem and usually makes things worse. This is a common problem with Fords(1997-2003) and they refuse to fix this problem. Good luck!  

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