
Whats does it take to become a cop?

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I was wondering i always wanted to become a cop maybe a detective or something. I was wondering what it takes to be come a cop do i need i know high scool deploma iam 18 i know you have to be 21 to i think train. Could anyone fill me in on what i need to become a cop.




  1. 1st thing you need to do is get a frontal lobotomy

  2. It helps if you are a woman, it helps if you are as butch as possible. And you have to love writing tickets. If you are a man you have to love donuts, and break all the rules you are supposed to enforce. And if you pull over a hot chick late at night, you have to be willing to let her off if she offers you some pu$$y. It's not hard being a cop, just hang with criminals and you will pick up the tricks of the trade, and VIOLA!! your a cop! Spending all day writing tickets is alot easier than solving actual crimes.

  3. Well here are the rules for the State of Minnesota.

    21 years of age( legal age to carry a handgun in this state)

    2 years of college

    6 months of Law Enforcement training called Skills.

    And depending on where you go here you may need to attend that citys academy.

    The 4 main ones I know of that have an Academy are the:

    State Patrol


    St. Paul


    of course no criminal record other than minor traffic violations

  4. you need to pass a test, then a psych test, then you have i not sure about maybe 3 or 6 months of training. jumping a brick wall and a chain one running 500 yards after you  jump it. push ups and sit ups running 1 Mile and half in a time frame. before you can do the training you have to pass the running and jumping the wall test then you get trained again for it and then of course a shooting a pistol and riffle training. sorry, i wanted to be a detective, you have to be a cop first at least 1 yr. but, i know some that didn't make it until they were cops for many years. no drugs or bad records. and need to pass a polygraph test.

  5. Certain department will hire you at 19. So yes you can start the application at 18 since the process takes from 4 to 9 even 12 months. Now what you want to do is join a police explorer program in a police dept/sheriff office around you. You do need a high school diploma or GED. Now my advice to you is to: get a two year degree or 2 yrs of military experience !  

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