
Whats everyone on about using chip fat to fuel there car.........?uk?

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Whats everyone on about using chip fat to fuel there car.........?uk?




  1. An alternative fuel to petroleum or diesel  in these high price days,  Vehicle will need converting,  and do you have enough chip, vegetable oil ,  available,,tomake it worthwhile...

  2. Yes it's ok and legal, but remove the chips first, then filter it, then add an additive to thin it down. ( hope you've got a big chip pan)...

  3. Cooking oil can be used in diesel engines, its usually better if you mix it at about 4 to 1 but it does work, during the last fuel shortage I used it and its cheaper than diesel, I believe it burns slightly slower than diesel and you might notice ever such a slight power reduction, I personally wouldn't recommend it in new vehicles but certainly it worked for me in 2001/2, thought I'd better add you can't use lard and if you use second hand cooking oil filter it first to remove the carbons which will block your carb

  4. Its against the law.

    You can process is and use it, although legally you still have to pay the duty (which I think is about 70p / litre) on it.

  5. check these out


    hope this helps

  6. You can take used cooking oil (including chip-fat), clean it, add some additives and then put in into your DIESEL car (please don't do it to a petrol car).

    Then, all you have to do is pay the tax man and you are good to go.  This will work whilst there are only a few people do it, the there isn't enough chip-fat for us all....

    [Edit] - it's perfectly legal so long as you pay the tax...

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