
Whats faster than the speed of light?

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Whats faster than the speed of light?




  1. As we understand the universe at the moment, nothing is.

    Special relativity presents a solution to the paradox that something travelling near the speed of light while emitting light would produce photons that exceed the speed of light.

    The speed of light is the same for all observers regardless of their reference frame.

    By the lorentz factor sqrt{1-(v^2/c^2)} if v >c then the result is imaginary, or infinite in other words, which loses all meaning.

    Travelling at the speed of light would produce infinite mass and infinite time dilation (time would stand still in your reference frame

  2. Nothing.  

  3. till the date nothing is faster than light.

  4. Practically speaking, nothing.

    Theories of Relativity predict that nothing can go faster than the speed of light.  An in a practical sense, nothing has ever been seen or proven to go faster than light.

    There are theories that some things like tachyons could go faster than light, but no one has ever seen a tachyon, no one has proof the tachyons exists, and in fact tachyons are by defintion are "imaginary".

    So anything that goes faster than light is just imaginary.  It makes good science fictions stories, but such things don't exist.

  5. If there were such a thing, we would call it a tachyon.  For the reasons that Brownian stated, it would have imaginary mass, so it isn't clear how it could interact with normal matter.

  6. superman  

  7. There is nothing known to be faster than than the speed of light in a VACUUM.  However, the medium light travels through is important. This is a big factor in optics and how light is bent by lenses.

    For example, in water it is possible for things to move faster than the speed of light.  If you have ever seen pictures of reactors under water you will see a blue glow.  This is called Cerenkov radiation.  It is like a sonic boom, but only in the most basic sense.  The nuclear fuel is emitting beta particles (electrons) that are moving faster than the speed of light and this creates the glow.  So while it is not possible to move faster than light in a vacuum,  changing the medium will allow it in specific cases.

  8. Speed of thought

  9. The speed of light + 1.

    Just kidding. nothing is.

  10. Muhammad Ali said he was so fast he could turn off the light switch, and be in bed before the room got dark.

    So, him.

  11. Speed of mind.

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