
Whats globalwarming??

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I've seen the definition but i don't get it and why its like important!




  1. Well, besides the point that it is a lie that is used by politicians to incite fear into the people, it is nothing.  Nothing at all.  

    "Global Warming" is a natural process and is nothing that should be a worry.  If you have seen Al Gore's video "An Inconvenient Truth" (or whatever it is) is nothing but a political scheme that is only trying to create a level of fear.  Al Gore even went as far as to say that the recent cyclone in Maymar was the result of "Global warming".  Thinking like that is idiotic.  

    Think Global warming as a natural process.  We are coming out of an ice age.  So... what would follow a cold spell?  Usually a warm one.  The Earth is more than capable of taking care of its self.  If need be, it'll find ways of thinning even us out.

  2. Breakdown the words ...

    1. Global means all over the world, as in a globe; i.e., not isolated to a region of the world.

    2. Warming means that temperatures are rising.

    That's no big deal!  So the temps are warmer world wide than they were 5, 10, or 20 years ago.  So what?!  The tricky thing is to determine some facts:

    A) Can they really measure global temps in an accurate way year in and year out and say without any doubt that temps are truly rising?  I would argue that the answer is no, of course not!  In fact, I just saw an article that said temps have been falling for the past decade.  When two scientists are heard saying the opposite thing then it's no longer a scientific fact, but a dispute.

    B) Even if they could say without question that the temps are rising then can we say that it's CLEARLY caused by something mankind is doing AND that it's dangerous and damaging?  

          i. Understand that the climate is always going through cycles of wetter and drier, cooler and warmer.  This period of warming is not that unusual.  

         ii. Think about the fact that many scientists say the earth is over 2 billions years old.  And they have weather data for a little over 200 years?  That's 1 ten millionth of all the weather data that's ever occurred!  Are we REALLY to believe that scientists can make logical and reasonable conclusions about the atmosphere based on that little data?

        iii.  Here is an example of how mankind could be causing the warmup and it not be a bad thing.  In the Bible it begins in Genesis with just two people, Adam and Eve.  Each of them had body temps of 98.6 degrees.  Two people!  There are almost 300 million people in the US alone.  300 million bodies at 98.6 degrees is a significant natural warmup!  And throughout the world there are billions of people!  Such a warmup is OUR FAULT?  Such a warmup is something to freakout about?

    Remember, scientists in the 1970's were predicting a coming ice age.  Now it's the meltdown of the polar ice caps.  WHICH IS IT?  Alarmism sells newspapers.  Alarmism gets you great funding to help save the planet.  There is no scientific proof that the earth is heating up in any dangerous way; yet, the global warming crowd would have us believe that ANYONE who disagrees with their views is a wacko!

    Dr. Gray, the famous hurricane predictor doesn't believe in man-made global warming.  Neither does John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel.  In fact, Coleman says that the Weather Channel has been hijacked by the global warming crowd.  The list of respected meteorologists and other scientists that say that the global warming hypothesis is bad science and otherwise unprovable is growing.  But the media LOVES this story; so, you don't hear the facts.  

    But you like millions of others will surely believe whatever you want to believe.  Just remember ... if you read the Bible then it's clear that we were NOT suppiosed to be hear forever.  So, maybe man is destroying the earth.  But it's not without God's permission.  And I would argue that it will carry out his will.

  3. It's a phrase used to create hysteria from the tree huggers and make us all feel guilty for "emitting greenhouse gasses," which they said was all right when I was younger.

  4. It is a very complicated issue with a lot of emotions on both side of the debate.   There is ample evidence of heating and even a trend towards warmer temps, but that is not necessarily indicative of a long range warming pattern.

    Weather and temperatures go in cycles as we have warmer and then cooler periods. The laws of physics are not waived because of political concerns,  especially as it regards the claim of manmade global warming.

    That said, smog is at critical levels in many cities.  That certainly makes temperatures warmer, naturally but there should be a distinction between localized effects such as that and saying that it has an overall effect on global warming or cooling patterns.

    I've provided some great links below.

  5. Slowly, over time, the earth is warming, and even as little as 2 degrees in 3 years can have huge effects, melting the polar ice caps, then, producing more water, then, producing flooding and temperature changes, then flooding, unusual tidal changes, etc. Its all somewhat of a chain reaction, and it isn't good that it is happening so fast, as scientists address this always after the fact, as usual, but its good that they are at all, of course.. (for future generations)

  6. Hysteria from people obsessed with their own mortality and influenced by gad flies who have little depth perception.

  7. Change is important to study, predict and prepare for, whether it's warming or cooling.

    Many of those who say "global warming, who cares" are only focusing on the sea level rises, etc, that are actually relatively unimportant. The MOST dangerous impact of climate change is global crop failure. Farmers and agricultural research cannot change plant genetics as fast as the changing climate, especially in poorer countries. Global warming may lead to drought. Drought = crop failure in some areas. Think of how food riots broke out this year just because the Australian wheat crop failed. Although this crop failure may have just been a random event, it shows what can happen if global warming is allowed to continue unchecked.

    to summarize: global warming and global cooling are not bad in themselves. Rapid change, with humankind unable to adapt in time, IS bad.

    People who don't understand biology will never get this. Just because global warming makes Canada or Siberia a warmer place to live DOES NOT mean they can start cultivating crops to compensate for the crop failures in the tropics. The tundra soils are useless for any kind of cultivation.

    So, although in the very long term, a warmer Earth will encourage more plant and animal life, in the short term it will cause massive food shortages because changing climates will make crop harvests unreliable.
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