
Whats going in Georgia?

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And why is Russia attacking them?




  1. There's an area in between russia and georgia call south ossetia. North Ossetia is part of Russia and the South Ossetia wants to be a part of Russia too.

    There has been a lot of fighting over the years because South Ossetia no longer wants to be a part of Georgia. Russia was the only country that recognized that. (a lot of the people there have russian passports and are considered russian; only 70,000 people in that whole area are either Georgians or S. Ossetians)

    In an effort to gain control of S. Ossetia, Georgia started attacking the country--Russia called in genocide, because basically they were killing innocent russian people.

    So Russia fought back, and now Georgia is calling for the US to help and everyone to tell Russia to back off. The thing is, there is a pipe that goes through Georgia that pumps 1 million gallons of oil per the US has to be very careful about what they say..

    I just feel like South Ossetia should be a part of North Ossetia and Georgia should stop bullying them. Just like China bullies Tibet.

  2. When the USSR broke up all former soviet citizens were offered Russian passports. Ever since the break up both south ossetia and abkhazia have been de facto independant states, i.e. technically georgian territory but they don't really control it due to rebel groups.

    Russia has probably been funding and supplying rebel groups for a while, and even had peacekeepers in south ossetia. The rebels had been attacking georgian forces for a while and the other day the georgians hit back and invaded south ossetia, in response russia invaded south ossetia as well.

    Georgia has taken every effort it can to alienate Russia and align itself with Russia's rivals, so it's hardly surprising Russia has been a bad neighbor to them. The situation is analagous to the USA and Cuba: if you're a tiny state and you live next door to a powerful state, you would be well-advised to keep on good terms with your neighbor.

    tl;dr Georgia has been playing with fire and now they've gotten burnt.

  3. A Georgia dog bit a Russia bear. In return, the bear is teaching the little dog a lesson it will never forget.  

  4.    It is twofold.Firstly about the oil pipeline from the Caspian Sea which bypasses Russia and goes on to Turkey and the west.Secondly Georgia is a candidate for NATO and Rusisa is nervous of this.That the US will build misile bases their.Russia will replace the present overnment in Georgia to suit their purpose.Its as simple as that.

  5. Its a rainy night.

    no seriously. georgia wants south ossetia back under georgian control as it is IN georgian territory.

    most of the south ossetians are russian and don't want to be georgian so they have a separitist uprising for independence.

    Georgia moves to crush this uprising

    Russia crushes georgia.

    and then it starts raining or something..

  6. the gander is right.

  7. Russia is starting a campaign to take back all the territory it lost in the breakup of the USSR. They know we are in the throes of one of the most divisive elections in our history and are banking on our over extended military being unable to do anything significant to prevent their imperialistic surge back into Eastern Europe.

  8. It's about land the breakaway region of South Ossetia which goes back to 1989 when it broke away from which was then the Georgian Soviet Republic, in August this year Georgian troops attacked the capital Tskhinvali, and Russia said it was responding to the attack.  

  9. It's hard to tell exactly. I just read 2 articles carried on Yahoo and I'm still confused. It sounds like Russia wants a regime change in South O and Georgia wants to retain control. South O. wants independence and democracy. Georgia has been burning down people's homes telling them that they own the land. I hope someone has a better understanding. My heart goes out to the people in the midst of it all. I would be so angry, wouldn't you?

    edit: South O is seeking Nato membership.

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