ive been charting my cycles for 5months and know when i ovulate
but this month..
I did have what i am guessing was a period (however it was short and lighter)
about 5days before i was 'due' to ovulate i started spotting, having bad naueser, and strong cramps and i felt bloated Constantly, and my stomach seemed to swell up! i also keep having ALOT of headache!
i still had s*x on my fertile days.
its been 7 days since i last ovulated.
and im STILL "spotting"
however i dont have neaurer anymore! however i do have light cramps STILL! the headache are STILL COMING! and im very tired and weak.
is it possible i fell pregant last month and what i thought was a "light period" was nothing?
whats going on?
nothing feels right?