
Whats going on in Georgia?

by  |  earlier

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I missed all the early news coverage so i dunno wats goin on. Just wanna know...




  1. Atlanta was bombed. lol jk. The Russians are just having a communist moment and decided they want Georgia back. Its merely territorial.

  2. A good old fashioned brutal Russian occupation.

    Long story short, a region of Georgia tried to break away, the Georgians tried to get it back, Russia invaded them to "protect" said breakaway region. Of course, the Russian concept of "protect" equates to full-scale invasion of Georgia, followed by looting, raping, and killing civilians.

  3. A peach festival of some type....


    I had a post but I like SP's more!

  4. Nothing that anyone is going to tell you. That's how war works. They tell you less then one percent of whats going on and that's enough to keep the public happy.

  5. It's not entirely clear.  The Russians invaded, nominally to "protect" a couple of areas that have strong Russian ethnic leanings, and have overrun a goodly part of the country in the process.  A truce agreement has the sides no longer shooting at each other; the Russians are supposed to withdraw, but it is not obvious that they are doing so -- or will.  The real issue for us on the sidelines is: what to do about it?  Is there anything, short of actual military action, that would persuade the Russians to withdraw?

  6. Russia has decided it wanted Georgia back. Not to long ago Georgia became independent country. So now Russia invaded Georgia. But then Russia said it was going to pull out under the pressure brought on by the UN. It seems though that Russian forces are not actually leaving Georgia.

    thats a quick summary if you want the whole story go to

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