
Whats going on with my tattoo?

by Guest60881  |  earlier

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ok so back in February i got a tattoo i got it on my left shoulder blade and its of a pink lotus flower and it has a buddha baby siting in the middle of the flower and it has my daughters name in a ribbon bellow it well on the 4th of julywe had a get together here and we were out side and i got bit by a mosquito on my tattoo and the whole tattoo swelled up and it sweeled up in the shape of the it honestly felt like my entire tattoo was raised (like brail) and you could touch it and read my daughters name just by running your hnd on it went away in like a day but last night it happened again after i got bit by a mosquito. is this normal to happen to tattoos




  1. It doesn't happen to everyone, but it's not that unusual. It's happened with my tattoos before. Just put some cortisone cream on it and try not to scratch it.  

  2. No it is not. You may have a wierd condition or somethinhg. I would advise that you talk to both a Doctor and the tattoo artist that did the work for you. Good Luck! :D

  3. if you got it back in february i don't think this should be happening. once the tattoo is healed it should just become a part of your body underneath the skin. you really should get this checked out by a doctor or at least ask a profesional tatoo artist.  

  4. whoa! wtf?!

    you must be slightly allergic to mosquito bites or something! thats never happened to me!

    lmao. thats crazy!

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