
Whats going on with the whole, russia starting a new war thing???

by Guest62998  |  earlier

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Whats going on with the whole, russia starting a new war thing???




  1. Their jealous of the Americans, what with being in Iraq and Afghanistan, they want to get in on the action.

  2. No.

    Don't think so.

    Look in the real world.

    Decode this lyrics " I'm alive"

    Just the little boy playing the remote-controlled air plane.

    "United we stand divide we fall"

    "We are the champion"

    l*****g ice lollies.

    In throwing left-over stick at one another in time.

    But do love fishing with Huckle Berry Finn.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  3. I dont really understand this either. All i know is that Russia wants control over a country called Georgia whom it lost control over. It has threatened war but it is unlikely that this will happen. I dont understand the difficult explanantions above, so if your like me then hope this helps! will be a good site to help.!

  4. It almost seems like they felt like they had to get some attention so they did that.  

  5. Russia didn't do anything other than protect their citezens.

    That moron Georgia president guy decided to bomb South Ossetia, killing a couple hundred Russian citezens in the process, awakening the Russian bear which naturally responded by going in there and completely raping them. Now everyone is crying because all the movies portray Russia as the bad guy, which doesn't work in real life.

  6. I'm sorry but the only people who are turning this into a war is the US.

    Who died and made them boss anyway?

  7. makes a change from America starting them...

  8. idk

  9. Like the Americans, Russia depends on arms sales for much of its revenue, and a war is a useful marketing tool for arms manufacturers.

    The only people who suffer are the general public, while the politicians and their cliques get richer & fatter.

    C'est la guerre.

  10. Birch Hills is a small town is Saskatchewan.  It is where my son will be born, and where I will die.

  11. i don't understand the Georgia thing as the first i knew about any problems was when they announced they where pulling out and i was like saying wtf when did they go in?

    but these new threats to take military action against usa if they build the missile defence thing in europe just says they don't want the states protecting people. i know that the states are no better i believe the conspiracy theory over 9/11 that the usa govt did it

    but i don't really know the 'full story' about Georgia and russia

  12. ya these idiots cant just stay calm. they made an imperialistic reaction. Cold war 2?

  13. Russia has used force historically to assimilate other countries and regions.Russia itself is dozens of regions who are very reluctant partners.Any rebellion was always put down with max force.

    The world has changed,and many regions and countries no longer can bear having another country rule their territory.

    Russia still applies the iron fist,when almost all others use negotiation.

    Poland has been threatened with nuclear bombing,Europe with cutting off energy.The hot heads are dangerous,and the Russian public fully support their hot headedness.

    Ingusetia near Georgia has started protests today.They are all muslims like their neighbours in Checyna and they are unlikely to roll over like the christian countries.

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