
Whats going on with this guy? Does he like me?

by  |  earlier

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So this guy Frankie and I went to 1st and 2cd grade together and he was one of my best friends.. Second grade was the last time I've seen or heard from him. I moved schools and lost all contact. Anyways I bumped into him on facebook and added him. (We are now sophomores in highschool btw) He was really excited to hear from me and wanted to hang out like as soon as possible. We started messaging and he got my number and wanted to call me. That day he also commented my photo say I was gorgous (I've changed quite a bit from the little girl I once was....) and he called me the next day. We talked for hours and just clicked instantly. No awekardness and he havent talked since almost 8 years. He got really handsome too. Tall, dark, and finee, swimmer and smart. Pure christian boy too. I found out he's never kissed a girl or had a girlfriend... and he could model too...anyway! He called the next night and the night after and we continued talking. Then all of the sudden he stops calling. For like 5 days. So I called on his birthday (having not talked to him in maybe 4 days after he stopped calling) and it was like all normal. He invited me to come on his birthday but i told him i had plans, which I really did. Anyway he said he'd call the next day and its been 3 days. Whats up here. Okay I just reread this and I sound like a paraniod teenage girl but its not like that. We like didn't want to get off the phone with each other and did the whole "Ok no youu hang you!" thing... and he blew his friends off because he was on the phone with a very special person..:) soo why hasn't he called?




  1. this is vey complicated

    but if i were yo i would call him back

  2. he likes you

    just be clear with him and things will work out

  3. Seems like hes kinda shy to make a move, he obviously likes you. Make the move for him.

  4. that's kinda confusing. i think you should just call him up next time & ask him- don't care if he thinks you sound paranoid or anythin lol. just try to slip it in the conversation when u call lol. x*x lenny.

  5. he probably found somebody else that's more interesting

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