
Whats going on? (women only please)?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so this is my first full year of having my period, so i understand its going to be a little irregular for a while, but this is almost too irregular. im fourteen. the last time i got it was at the beginning of july, and it still isnt here. ive been having cramps a ton lately, but nothing yet. ive been anxious almost to get it, so i know it hasnt deserted me, but then again - what girl really wants her period, right? lol(:

anyways, my question for you is simply this: whats happening? is it just a normal irregularity, or is something wrong? i know im definitely not pregnant because i still hold the v card. if theres something wrong with me, then please tell me what i can do. have you ever been through something like this?

also, ive been having other health issues lately - do you think maybe all this is an effect of that? probably not, but just wondering.

thanks in advance(:




  1. You may be right, the other health issues may be having a residual effect upon your menses.  Speak to your mom, ask to be taken to a physician.  Also, people who have anorexia have problems with menstruating.  

  2. Okay so your stressing,holdup girly stress can keep your periodfromcoming, dont worry about it let nature take it'scourse,and in a few weeks if thingshavn't gotten any better see a doctor, it would be good because when things like that happen we dontalways like the answer. But it simply seemslike your stressed out about an irregular persiod.Give it alittle time andenjoy yourself mkay??

  3. this is very normal.

    dont worry youre not


    buts itll be fine.

    just keep on a panty liner just incase

  4. that happened to me for like 3 months but then it came back :( :(

  5. It could be many reasons. You are very young, and it is normal to have irregular periods at that age. Also, stress, and health can contribute to it. Since you have been cramping, it's possible that your period is coming very soon. If you don't get it in a couple of days, maybe you should call your doctor. I'm sure everything will be o.k.

  6. i once skipped 5 months dont worry, totally normal!!

  7. Lindsay :D im talking to you online :P

    Your period is supposed to be irregular for at least 2 years so hold on there (: Ive had mine ferr about 3 now and its still irregular. I thought that mine was finally gettingg on track but then it came wayy off one month and lasted only 3 days. I didnt get it the next month and it came really late the next month. It will someday get on track so dont worry. A lot has to do with stress, also. I know youre kinda stressed with your whole website thing and probably about school coming up,also. If you really are worried about it then talk to your doctor. thats what they are there for (: best offf luckk :D

  8. Oh dont worry girl, thats normal. Im almost in the same position you are, and last summer i didnt get mine for almost 4 months. June all the way to September. So theres nothin to worry about,, Nothinsz wrong. =] Good luckk.

  9. don`t worry, yeah it`s your health issues. every little thing happening affects your menstrual cycle. no lie. i was extremely stressed once because i needed to pass my AP exam last year, and my period skipped a month. that`s because i was stressed, so i didn`t get it. health issues can really affect it. and it`s okay, because it`s not like you haven`t had your period in a couple of months, you just skipped it for a month. you should have it soon once your body`s back at it`s normal state. no need to worry sweetie. my little sister didn`t have hers for two & a half months, and that`s when my parents and i were worrying, but she ended up having it later. you`ll just have it REALLY heavy once you get it, since it was missed last time.  

  10. no, theres nothing wrong with you at all! Just wait and it will come, it may take awhile, because the symptoms can stay for a while, your just irregular, like you said.  

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