
Whats going to happen afther me and my best friend had s*x?

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Me and my best friend which is a girl were hanging out at her house one night and we decided to drink a lil. After a few drinks one thing let to another and we ended up making love for the first time, During which we expressed our undying Love for each other (she new I loved her before but she just wanted to be friends). The night was magical and I thought all my dreams and prayers came true. Then when mourning came she said it was a mistake and did not meant it when she said she loves me broke down crying. Later she says for me to give her space. I don't know what to do I love her with all my heart now. I confronted her and told her it wasent a mistake and that I loved her but her response was still the same. its been three days since we talked and I feel weak without her because even though I love her we see each other every day. I need to know what to do in this situation. What will happen to us? Will our Friendship be the same? Will she develop feelings for me? What should I do?

2 hours ago

I confronted her that same mourning and told her it wasent a mistake. But her respone was still the same. We let our feelings out and then thats when she told me she needs some space

1 hour ago

Should I wait for her to call me? or should I call in a few days when she hasent called back? will she forget about me?




  1. well give her a few more days and then ring her but only talk about what you would be4 you had s*x together. after all its better just to have her in your life than not at all.

  2. You should forget about her. Women who break into tears saying it was a mistake are always (yes, ALWAYS) trouble.

    One of three things will happen, either she'll deny anything ever happened, she'll accuse you of rape or she'll want to become your girlfriend and become extremely possessive.

  3. Ooo That is a toughy. if i were you id call her but just keep cool ask how she is how her day went etc dont keep talking about the s*x just let it go for a while.

  4. give her another 2 days, then if she don't talk to u then call her and say that she cant pretend as nothing happened.  

  5. if she hasn't called you after a week then you should definitely call her. she may have needed time to think because i know that i, as a girl, need time to get my feelings straight. also she may actually love you but she doesn't want to lose you as a friend if you two date and get serious and then someone gets hurt. have a real heart to heart with her, no drinks involved, and see where she really is. don't keep anything from her and tell her to let everything out, even if it doesn't make sense to either of you. but don't weird her out by telling her you lover her a lot and you always have loved her (even if it IS true) unless she tells you the same.

  6. Keep chasing her and show her that shes something special.

    Watch a few movies lol. do everything in your power

  7. ring her and just be yourself

    then even if you dont like what you hear,

    if you want her as a friend if you can?

    you,ll know where you stand

    thats the only advice i can offer you,

    hope you can sort it one way or another



  8. I suggest you give her more time to think (maybe a week or more) b4 contacting her again.  In my experience you both can still remain friends even if she doesn't want a relationship but both of u need to be able to handle this.  Some great relationships start of as friendship, afterall you partner should be your best friend.

    Maybe she is just in shock that it happened & needs space to accept it; it doesn't necessarily means she regrets having s*x with u.

    Another worry about relationships becoming sexual following a simple friendship it that she may be very worried that if the relationship doesn't work out she would lose u as a friend 2.

    Pestering her will only make her make a snap decision which may turn out to be the wrong choice.  So give her the time she needs.  If u bump in2 her in the mean time, just act naturally - no pressure. Good Luck, Hope things work out well 4 u both xx.

  9. give that girl some space, and stop crowding her already overcrowded brain.

    hanging around with a girl you love that doesn't love you back is not a good idea as you are always gonna get hurt.

    leave her be and wait for her to call you if she doesn't then thats your answer. sorry lifes so ****

  10. you could go for being a friend with privildges

  11. Aww that sucks.  

    Very honestly, there is nothing you can do to make her fall in love with you.  You prob feel like you've been led on, and it's really unfair.  She's probably really confused now also.  I would say to forgive her her mistake, let her work things out in her own time and then think if you want to be just friends if that's all she can offer.  Can you handle it?  Or do you think you'd always be wanting more?

    I would send her a text saying you're willing to forget the whole thing and just be friends and then leave it up to her.

    However, if she uses you again in this way then I'd seriously consider cutting all ties with her, as it isn't fair to you.

    Best of luck.  

  12. im not trying to be a jerk, but if she was your first you are automatically gunna think that you love her, whether it is true or not

    there is a chemical that will bond you to her.....and if she doesnt like you back you just have to realize that there are other fish in the sea

    if i was you, yes I would try to get her back....but i would not over-exert myself in the can tell her how you feel, but you cant be desperate or else she wont want you back

    so basically try looking around for new girls, but at the same time keep her in touch in case she wants to get back with you

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