
Whats going to happen to the solar system when the sun become a red giant?

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  1. Best Marshmallow Roast...Ever!

  2. Earth will be swallowed up.

  3. The Sun is expanding now as I hear it. I have also heard within 2 billion years it will be too big and too hot to sustain the life on Earth's surface today. Before it collapses and blows off its outer layers becoming a white dwarf Mercury and Venus will be consumed by its voraciously expanding diameter while Earth will remain out but not unscarred. Earth's oceans will boil away the magnetosphere produced by Earth's core will disappear as the core gets heated beyond a threshold temperature and the atmosphere  will get blown away by solar winds... We will be more like Mercury.

    The Goldilocks Region of space around our Sun will get pushed farther from Earth over time and for a time encompass Mars. Its Ice caps will melt producing a slightly denser atmosphere and a few oceans/seas. However this won't last for long since Mars does not have a magnetosphere its atmosphere will get eaten away piece by piece by solar winds. Though Mars's core is too cool for a dynamo core to exist to produce a magnetic field and the Sun should warm the core up to the required temperature I have heard a magnetosphere requires a cooling core which Mars wouldn't have.

    Over time the Goldilocks Region may even encompass Ceres, a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt covered in water and thick layers of ice. The Gas Giants and there moons will probably be less affected than the inner solar system.

    You should read the modern science fiction novel Spin. It follows three friends lives as they live through the end of the Earth as the Sun expands... interesting read.

  4. All of the inner planets would be consumed.

    Astronomers estimate that it will expand past the Earth's orbit in just a billion years. The heating Sun will evaporate the Earth's oceans away, and then solar radiation will blast away the hydrogen from the water. The Earth will never have oceans again. It will eventually become molten again.

    Even though the Earth could expand to an orbit 50% larger than today's orbit, it won't get the chance. The expanding Sun will engulf the Earth just before it reaches the tip of the red giant phase. And the Sun would still have another 0.25 AU and 500,000 years to grow.

  5. the temperature will rise and maybe our dearest home planet will loose some water, that makes our 'home' incapable to support life.

  6.   It will vaporize all the planets out to the orbit of the earth.

  7. we will cook like tater tots.

  8. Mercury will vaporise, and Venus will likely undergo the same fate. Earth will be completely scorched, and no life, except maybe some bacteria, will survive. Mars may become habitable, but the lack of an atmosphere would still pose a problem.

  9. we r going to get hot and die of heat stroke

  10. We are all going to be really hot.  

  11. Mercury, Venus and possibly the Earth too will be consumed by the Sun!

  12. The the will become uninhabitable long before the sun becomes a red giant.

    The sun will actually go thru 2 red giant phases.

    The first time, the sun will engulf Mercury and Venus but not Earth. However, because the surface of the sun will be so much closer to the earth, the surface of the earth will be hot enough that rocks will be molten.

    In the second red giant phase (the AGB phase) the earth will be engulfed.

    During this phase, the sun will begin to lose mass to the surrounding area. This is because it is unstable and pulsates and because the surface gravity is very low. It's easy for gas to escape.

    Exactly how this mass loss and the formation of stardust in the outflowing gas will affect the outer planets is not clear.

  13. It will turn into a red giant and engulf Mercury and Venus as it will be out to definitely their orbits and it will be 100 times bigger. Earth has a less clear fate but the chance of it surviving is about 1 in 110,000. Even if by some unlikely form it escapes incineration it will just be a surface of molten rock. It is also important to note that Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn could face a fiery death as well because the Sun will have its danger path all the way to those planets but it will lose its mass quickly as it burns on hydrogen fuel. The Sun will collapse into a white dwarf which will shine on for about 100 billion years until it will be so cold and small that no one could call it a star anymore. Things in our solar system will keep happening for the next quadrillion years until our entire solar system dies as well.

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