
Whats gonna happen to our Country??? ?

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The clock is ticking people and i dont know about you but im anxious to know what the next president plans to do about our economic situation and well-being as a country. I dont think either of these candiates are suited to fix the problems that we have.

Now that i really think about it, America needs someone with experience and knowledge about what this country is capable of doing in times like these, someone who can draw a map of ways to pull us out of a resession and point out the faults that got us here in the first place to not put us here again. People are suffering all over the country and were too busy touring other countries, dealing with their problems and ignoreing our own, visiting football camps instead of people going through foreclosure issues, (seriously, a gotdamn football camp!!!) I could really care less, about the sports and Russia and Mars having possible water or how others look at us right now, but whats the point of doing all those things right now. I havent seen neither of them talking about nore consult with anyone within our country thats going through h**l right now due to all the problems were having. s***w those other countries for now, they need to sit their asses down in America and get to f**king work or America is going to faulter from the inside in time.

I really dont think this country needs a old *** man on his death bed that claims to be a war hero or a person who can swoop viewers and listeners off their feet, i need someone whos gonna assure me that when i have kids that their futures are brighter than my own, h**l at this point im not even sure i want kids anymore.

Too bad Obama picked Biden over Hillary, i really think he screwed himself and us by that choice and McCain, well...lets give that guy some fountain of youth water and....lets hope for the best with that guy in his campaign.

What do you guys think?




  1. Are you kidding? Obama and Hillary hate each other, and Hillary has no foriegn policy or economic experience, so the nation would be completely screwed if they won the ticket. They would be the most counter-productive pair.

  2. Rest easy and pray that McCain picks Romney. Once there in the White House Mitt will flip this nations economy upside down and we will then have him as president for the next 8 years after McCain is done. Mitt walked into my home state of Mass with a 4.9 billion dollar debt, within 3 years we had a 5.1 billion dollar surpluse and he created health coverage for every citizen in Mass. Mitt Leaves, Obamas brother Duval Patrick comes in and in less than 2 years we are back to being 4.6 billion in the hole. That means Duval spent over 9 billion dollars in less that 2 years. Obama said and I quote, IF any of you in Mass want to know how I would be as your CIC just look to the brillient mind and leadership of my brother Duval Patrick, he is my alter ego, my brother,my twin." end quote.    Know that health care we had hear in mass that Mitt brought? It got trashed. Mitt had a surpluse in this state and instead of forcing the people to pay for there premiums Mitt used the surpluse to offset the payments to about $85 a month. Duval would not stand for that and as a thankyou he kept the tax returns from anyone who didnt have insurance last year. Hows that for pro choice? A woman can choose to murder a baby becaus she is irresponsable but you cant make a choice between diapers or health care premiums otherwise the democrats will hit you in the pocket, again, they talk about hope and helping the less fortionat but in reality they rape them. I hope this opens your eyes up to facts instead of left wing propoganda. I am independant BTW so no, I dont agree with everything from the republicans either. God forbid you dissagree with anything from the democratic side as you will be labeled as a warmonger neocon who clings to there guns and religon.

  3. I think McCain sucks but not cause he is senoir citizen but cause he is bushwhacked. I like the clintons but her beahavio and bill's in the primary was awful Obama/Biden will do just fine. It will take some time to clean up all the bushit and oilstains but it shall be done and just like after the first round of bushwhacking america will get back on its feet and hopefully never allow a "man" like bush to get 49% of the vote and get put in by judges again

  4. I see.  YOu have a point.  Hey, how about this,. since experience is your top priority, lets pick the man who can come right in and hit the ground running without losing a stride...and solve the problems you mention.  Why dont we allow Bush to have a couple more terms?  We can make a special exception given the hard times, and he can use all that experience he has now gathered for our benefit.

  5. If a president, or a candidate for president, came along and said that the answer to our economic problems will require discipline in the short term, he wouldn't do very well.  Suppose he came out with an actual list of government agencies he was going to close.  And a plan to raise taxes, let's say just temporarily, mostly on the people who can best afford to pay a little more taxes in the short run.  Let's say he came out with a pie-chart of government spending and took a pointer and highlighted the biggest areas of spending, the most wasteful areas, where the biggest cuts could be made with the least compromise on our standard of living and our national security.  And while we're at it, how about a huge government-sponsored program to find the next big source of energy, an energy 'Manhattan Project' so we aren't faced with 30-40 years of struggle and inflation as the worlds' oil slowly runs out, and instead we can lead the world again as China and India begin requiring massive amounts of new energy?

    That guy would be run out of town.  Anyone whose favorite program had been cut would hate his guts.  The rich, who would see the biggest tax increase, are the ones who own and run the media, so the media would paint him as a crook.  Powerful senators and congressmen would see a big cut in the pork they bring home to their states, so they would denounce him in the strongest terms for 'stealing' from their constituencies.

    So instead presidents (and presidential candidates) tell us what we want to hear, which is: (1) that we can balance the budget by spending more and taxing less, (2) that enormous weapons programs are necessary to keep American strong and besides they pay for themselves, (3) that the richer rich people get, the better off we all are.

    Discipline sometimes requires tough decisions. Nobody has the guts to suggest that because the political risks are just too high.

    As for Biden instead of Hillary, I think that was  a good choice. The Republicans were desperate for Hillary to get the nomination or the VP spot because she will be easy to smear.  She carries a lot of baggage from her husband's terms.  Halfo f America think she is totally evil.  Biden is experienced and moderate.  The Republicans will make up a lot of c**p about him, but they would have done that with anyone.  It just would have been easier with Hillary.

  6. None of the present Canditates have anything on the drawing board that will help this Nation settle its many problems----and you know that Congress is in grid-lock-----real change can only come about by someone that is committed to governing this country by abiding by the Constitution-----I know of none other than Ron Paul who is so committed----without making changes such as this, our Nation is in a steep decline that will be fatal.

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