
Whats good for a 5 year old to do on a computer?

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Whats good for a 5 year old to do on a computer?




  1. it's not bad to put your 5-year old to computers since there are billions of stuff in the computer. I suggest look for some sites wherein he/she learns something. Things that will improve his/her creativeness and logic.

    However; i suggest that you should let your child play along with someone rather than keeping your child intact to computers. Sooner or later they will be addicted by it. Since he/she is still young it would be better to spare some time and share it to him/her. There are things that computer cannot teach or provide enjoyment to youngsters than of someone who's willing to give time and create precious memories with him/her

  2. You can go to Target or Wal Mart or Best Buy or wherever and get some age appropriate computer games, ones that promote learning, or course. I would steer clear from online games because they have advertisements and popups. I would suggest something like Jump Start or anything from Leap Frog.

  3. There are a couple of websites you can look at with your child to do activities that get him/her used to using the keyboard and mouse while working on matching, colors, and the alphabet.  One is .  The other is .   They both have activities for kids ages 5-7.  My boys love them (and I don't have to worry that they're seeing or doing anything inappropriate on those sites.)

    Most of all, I would suggest that you remain in the room or at the computer right with your child -- just to monitor what they're doing.  

    Have fun with it!  :)

  4. Yeah, keep the little punk off the compy until they're older.

  5. try




  7. Make it possible for you to buy a new one.

  8. My son is 5 and he loves the paint program that is usually standard on all computers. He also loves to play pin ball.  They have a lot of computer games with cartoon characters out now you just have to find one that the kid will be into.

  9. Nothing, a 5 year old doesn't NEED to do anything on a computer a 5 year old NEEDS to be outside getting exercise and fresh air/sunshine.and using their imaginations.

  10. buy him/her a playschool computer game its only like 20 bucks.

  11. easylink its that toy where they cant get off that site with out a password it sends them to elmo or other pbs shows sites the can color have stories read to them alkinds of stuff i sit my two yr old in front of it she is clueless but it lets me get my dishes done with out her being able to even turn off the computer let alone delete anything important oh and it hooks up easy walmart sells it

  12.  they have games and all kinds of things to do for younger kids! My kids have been on a pc since they could work the mouse!! lol

  13. personally I don't think anything.  But they have learning games with spongebob and Dora.

  14. I wouldnt put a 5 yr old on a compter...

  15. These days its great for young kids to get use to the computer.  Reader Rabbit software is wonderful.  My 2 year plays their Toddler version, where their is no 'clicking' involved.  She will soon be able to use their Preschool, Kindgarten versions as well.  Reader Rabbit has several programs - all of which I highly recommend.

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