
Whats good to make with...??

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what's good to make with tacos?

I just made salad i need a good meal!!!




  1. the tacos themselves can be all your meal needs.  put plenty of veggies in them.. peppers, tomato

    , olives, cilantro, kidney beans maybe, onions, lettuce.  and you wil have a pretty well rounded meal.

  2. Spanish Rice!!! :) . We ALWAYS MAKE spanish rice! :) . mmmm!! It in a box, all you have to do is cook it! :-] .


    - put shredded cheddar cheese on it!

  3. I like to eat corn, tortilla chips,and  Spanish rice with my tacos.

    For recipes, just surf the web.

  4. spanish rice, refried beans, anything mexican.

  5. I like to make sopitha with my tacos

    SOO -PEE- THA ( elbow type of  Spaghetti  noodle )

    Keep your pan temperature on Medium High

    lbs. - noodles - Put oil 1/4cup in a large pan. Throw noodles in and brown them all. After all brown fill with water. 3inches above the noodle

    3cloves of garlic, Cut up in thin slices

    2 cans of tomato sauce

    2 teaspoons of chicken boyon

    1teaspoon of tomato boyon.  Mix all together. Put a lid on it.

    Pan should still be on Medium High - Let it boil for 20mins. Or until the noodle is soft.  Check it every five minutes to make sure its not sticking to the pan. After cooking shut off everything and put about 1cup of cheddar cheese on top. Put the lid back on and leave for 10min. And serve.

    Absolutely the bomb!

    This has been in my family for years. And its so good. It taste better the next day. Your kids will love it. Its like ice cream


    Its like

    Macaroni and chasse but Mexican style...10-4

  6. This rice goes great with tacos:

    (My Moms recipe)

    Spanish Rice:

    2 tomatoes, finely chopped

    1 small onion, finely chopped

    2 cups rice

    Comino (cumin) powder

    1 bell pepper, diced

    2 cans tomato sauce

    2-3 cups fresh chicken broth or 2-3 cans chicken broth

    3-4 cloves of garlic

    Brown the 2 cups of rice in a lightly oiled pan until brown.  Drain oil.  Add onion and bell pepper, Saute.  Add chopped tomatoes and garlic.  Cook for 2-3 minutes or until tomatoes start to lose their color.  Add tomato sauce and comino (cumin).  Add chicken broth.  Cook on medium low heat for about 15 - 20 minutes, stirring frequently. If rice is still bitey after cooking for 20 minutes then add alittle more broth or water so you can cook it longer.

    This rice comes out tasty and moist.

    You can also serve a Guacamole salad:

    Avocados (4-5) squashed

    some finely chopped onion

    some diced tomatoes

    dash of garlic power

    salt & pepper

    serve over some shredded lettuce (not too much can be over powering must have good lettuce to Guac ratio)

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