
Whats good to take for aching joints when you are vegetarian?

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i cant take cod liver oil any fish oil or anything in a gelatine capsule. Whats good for aching joints that sveggie friendly? thanks




  1. If  you want a fish oil, I take all vegan "fish oils", it's made from seeds like flax, green tea oil, borage oil, avacado oils, etc.  It's called Dr. Ohhira's.  I have bad knees and I try not to take anything like advil, alieve, etc, instead I invested in a really great heating pad and use that when I get pain.  You can also soak in Epsom's old school but it works.

  2. i think you will find teh main benefits are from omega3 simply do a search among vegtables for item high in this .

  3. voltaren sup 50gr

  4. Flax seed (vegetarian omega fatty acids) and plant-sourced hyaluronic acid are both good options.  Of course, it can be tough finding the latter in non-gelatin capsules.

  5. I take flax seed oil, it's high in omega 3 and it comes from plant sources. It can be bought in capsule for or oil form, the oil form tastes a bit yuckier but it doesn't have gelatine capsules.

  6. A Big Fat 2"inch Juicy Steak!!!!  LMAO  I just had to say it!

  7. Try Vegetarian Glucosamine made by Webber Naturals.

  8. a teaspoon a day of FLAX SEED OIL (contains omaega 3 fatty acids)  U can put it on salad - delicious !

  9. I ama former chef and now a lacto-ovo vegetarian and have severe arthritis and osteoporosis, I take a natural product not in a gelatin capsule, it is wild nettle extract and it has helped me amazingly, it is from the wild nettle plant and is the extract and leaves in a concentrated form, I buy it at a a natural food store, but in some places you can find both the tablets and nettle tea, it is nice to and like chamomille tea it is a nice relaxing pre bedtime relaxer.

    Those other things like glucosimine are made from oyster shells and animal products.

  10. try has bromide an anti-inflammatory.

  11. aloe vera drink is good for everything and carrots

  12. Glucosamine is often made from the shells of shellfish, but you can find it made from fermented grain-it costs more. Ask at your local health food store.

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