
Whats happaned to my homepage?

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Everythings got really big I'm using firerfox but it's never been a problem before




  1. I have the same problem. It appears that MY  Yahoo will not format correctly while using Firefox. It seems Microsoft is trying to take over.

  2. To make page writing and pictures smaller, hold Ctrl down and use thumwheel on moust to decrease size of everything.

  3. Sounds like I'm having the same problem as you.  I haven't found a solution yet.  Please let me know if you find out anything.

  4. you can change the size of virtually any page (including Microsoft Word and PowerPoint) by holding down the control key and rolling the wheel on the mouse.

    However it does depend on what version of Microsoft you have. The earlier versions only change the text size but later ones change the pictures aswell.

    you can also go to view and then text size

  5. I use I.E7 but I expect it's much the same. Click on "page" button, then on zoom or text size and you should be able to control it from there.

  6. Click on 'tools'

    click 'options'

    then on 'content'

    and check your 'font size'

    usually around 16 is okay.

    The other is in 'view'

    click there and see the

    'text size' section.

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