
Whats happening to me...i'm a christian but what the heck

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so i keep hearing voices. i also see ghosts in my house. i cant understand what the voices are saying because it sounds really far away. and its not people out side because we don't live by anything and not my family or the t.v. but how do i get it out of my head?? i also get dreams at night and the next day the dreams are what really happens in my day. so whats going on??




  1. Dont listen to the critics on here! I would get some annointing oil and pray over your house in the name of Jesus they have to leave! They could be demons as well. There is only 2 places a spirit goes after death  heaven and h**l.

  2. So glad to hear you're a Christian!  The next step in your Christian walk is being filled with the Holy Spirit, which is what you need.  Once that takes place, these voices in your head will have to leave and your mind will be at peace.  It may also be things that are in your household that you need to get rid of that are allowing those spirits to remain (ex: tarrot cards, demonic movies/music, troll dolls, gargoyles, etc.).  Also if there has been a history in that household, or your family, which may have involved some kind of tragic death, sorcery, witchcraft, white magic, etc. may also be the reason these spirits are remaining.  Get the word of God in you and speak it over your room, house, everywhere...also if you have other Christian friends who are strong prayer warriors to call upon to help you pray over your house would be a tremendous help.  We did the same thing once to a friend of ours who would hear voices as well and we all went over and prayed over his house...turns out there were some things in his house he needed to get rid of that were inviting these spirits in.  I pray this helps you, if God be for you, who can be against you??

  3. You are what many christians would call very spiritually "in-tune" I guess would be the way to put it. All I can say is that you need to make sure you are praying. I have friends that experiance this that are christians. My little cousin who is only about 12 experiances this. She sees demons at times but it doesn't scare her because she has been seeing them her whole life. My mom has told me she experiances these types of things too. Just keep praying is all I can tell you. I have had strange dreams too that seem so real and have scared me half to death but all I can do is keep praying. Know that you are in

    God's hands and nothing and noone can take you out. Keep strong in your faith and I myself will be praying for you.

  4. lol.. why do you feel the need to say that you are a christian?

    edit: what's wrong with troll dolls?

  5. At least she didn't say "I'm a Christ *Follower*".  Those people are really annoying, especially when they are delusional schizophrenic!

  6. I agree with Mandoster.

    Firstly, I've to tell you that your experience is not something new to Christians.

    Your experience is what we called "demon harassment or oppression".   Demons could harass a person(both Christian or non-Christian) by appearing to the person, speaking to the person and do all sorts of things to frighten the person.

    So, now we've to get rid of these demons. I give you some simple steps.

    1)We've to find out where does the demons come from. Where is the source of this problem?

    So, first find out when does these things started.

    Does these things started after you moved into this house?

    If yes, then your house is haunted.

    If not, then it could be due to other things such as:

    Did you visit any temple or pray to any gods/idols recently?

    Did you or your family members possess any religious artifacts, religious objects such as amulet, pendant or even religious souvenirs in the house?

    Were you involved in any spiritual activities such as tarot card reading, the use of crystal ball, ouija board, astral projections, eastern meditation, yoga, martial arts, etc?

    Did your parents dedicate you to any gods in the past?

    Were your parents/grandparents involved in divination, sorcery, witchcraft?

    All the above activities would open up yourself to demonic attack.

    Next, I'll explain on how to cast out demons.

    1)You must ensure that Jesus is your Lord & Saviour. Have you personally accepted Christ into your life? If not, you have to ask Him to forgive you of all your sins and to come into your life.

    2)Repent & confess all sins especially if you've been involved in the  list above. Ask God to forgive you for any involvement with the above.

    3)Command the demons, unclean spirits or any spirits that you saw to leave you & your house and never to return by using the name of Lord Jesus Christ. Command them to stop giving you dreams, etc.

    By the way, I haven't explained on how to deal with a haunted house.

    There are too many things to share here. If you need more information, please email me at

    I suggest that you get the following books especially 1, 2 & 5. It will teach you on how to deal with demons.

    1)Deliverance from Evil Spirits by Francis MacNutt

    2)They shall expel demons by Derek Prince(Publisher:Chosen Books)

    3)Pigs in the Parlour by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond

    4)Defeating Dark Angels by Charles H. Kraft

    5)Portals to cleansing by Dr Henry Malone

    Some websites(might be useful).

    Books recommended:

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