
Whats happening to me? ?

by  |  earlier

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everyday i get a huge migrane a it feels like i'm spinning around but i'm not and then i get some water put 4-5 peices of ice in it ,

then i drink it and lay down , then i'm okay

but it happens again the next day

whats happening

i think that its because of the stress of going to middle school ( i'm going in 5 dayz)

what do you think?

by the way I'm eleven




  1. Hi there,

    Stress is actually one of the biggest problems we as a society is facing at the moment. I've been there and got the t-shirt when it comes to stress so can talk to you about it from first hand experience.

    You really need to identify what is stressing you and what triggers stress in your life.

    Then you need to change your life to get rid of the stress triggers.

    I know that can be easier said than done, but too much stress will kill you! Quite literally.

    There may be stress triggers you really can't change, in which case, can you either change your response so they don't stress you or do something to reduce rather than remove the stress?

    I can recommend physical exercise. I started jogging and cycling four or five times a week after my stress breakdown and found that helped me deal with it better. I also buried myself in self help books and started to change how I thought about the world - The Secret was a movie I found in this period which helped me to change my viewpoint.

    Reducing your stress is something you can do - you just need to take action and identify the stress triggers in your life and then remove or reduce them.  I got some useful advice from which really helped me with my stress levels.  Since I started my exercise and dealing with my stress I feel a whole lot better.

    Hope this is useful for you!

  2. Could be stress, could be dehydration, could be something your eating (my sister had migraines almost everyday, turned out they were being triggered by caffiene and chocolate). Eitherway, go to a doctor and get yourself checked out. There's medicines that can help you and it may be a sign of something more serious.  

  3. I agree with kelly.

    I get headachs often but thats because of my 3D dreams because of the stress I put on it to make it 3D dreams...

    but really it may be from the best thing: hot days.

    to the worst: Tuermer (or what ever way you spell it!)

  4. tell your parents silly.

  5. definitely talk to your parents about going to the doctors  

  6. You need to tell your parents and you need to be checked by a doctor.

    Headaches could mean anything.

    See a doctor.

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