
Whats happening to my fish? Please answer PICS!

by Guest58242  |  earlier

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Over the past few months he has changed from orange to kinda like silver. I asked the pet store and he said that goldfish do that. Now my other one is doing it also. What makes them do this? here a pic of him after this started about 3mnths ago.




  1. Color Changes- If the goldfish was once black and has turned orange or was once orange and is turning white it could be that the fish has been kept indoors and without full sunlight.  (which would be the case if you had a tank in the house).  The fish is suffering from pigment loss in the skin.  Red Capped Orandas are famous for losing the red cap. Orange comets are famous for turning white.  The key is as follows:

        * Water quality is great

        * Discolored areas are not raised compared to the other skin

        * Discolored areas are not depressed under the rest of the skin

        * Fish is acting good, eating normally, and fins are erect and white ( no hemorrhaging)

    change the food that your giving them

  2. It is normal.  I had one that turned to all silver, and another that only turned part silver/white.  Here, scroll down to color changes:

    Mine did it after I had them a few years, and were kept outside in a pond without direct sunlight.

  3. oh, nothing to worry about :) its all natural.

    goldfish will change color. Sometimes ingredients in goldfish food will also change a goldfish's color.


    yah he looks fine. No weird bumps, frayed fins, or worms visible to me.

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