
Whats harder the MCAT or SAT?

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I know they are totally different tests but I was thinking when I'm a little older I might want to take one of them. I'm planning to go to a GOOD college. (either medical or something like Yale, Harvard, Columbia or some other Ivy league college) I know I shouldn't be worrying b/c I'm only in the 7grade but I always think ahead of life. So what should I take SAT or MCAT? whats harder to pass??? thanks =)




  1. take the sats in highschool, you schouldn't take the mcats until ur in college since its for getting into medical school after u graduate from a 4-year college

  2. They are totallly different tests, like you said, and the MCAT is much more difficult than the SAT because the SAT is a general admissions test for an undergraduate college, while the MCAT is a test that people take to get into medical school.  People usually take the MCAT in their junior or senior year of college, after they've taken courses like organic chemistry and things like that.  

    They're not even analogous.  This comparison is like comparing an orange to a sea lion.  Not even close.  

  3. Are you Crazy...Unless your Kumar from Harold and kumar, the MCATs are a lot harder...think about when the two tests are taken, SAT is taken in high School before College aand the MCAT is taken after college....In between you have 4 years of h**l aka college...IF u MUST think Think abt them, think about the SAT...U Cant fail the SAT, you can only get a bad score....IF u want to go to college...U will Have to take the SAT,,,MCAT on the other hand is only obligatory if u want to go to medical School AFTER COLLEGE which means you will take it but when you are like 22 or 23 and if u want to become a doctor...If u want to get into Harvard or yale you will have to get about a 2200 out of 2400 on the SAT. There are 3 Sections on the SAT: the math, Critical Reading, and Writing, Most Colleges dont llook at your writing but Ivy League will. If you want to do well on the SATs Critical reading start reading the newspaper but dont read something like the New York Post which is written at a 3rd grade reading level read something like the New York Times (i know u might not live in New York but ask your teacher, or parent about real newspapers) For the math section dont forget anything your learning now at school b.c the SAT math uses material from 7-8 grade math but twist it up to make it a lot harder, maybe buyn an SAT math book right now and try to work stuff now ...U probably meant The ACT test

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