
Whats harder to have great driving up skills or a great out side shot

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Whats harder to have great driving up skills or a great out side shot




  1. Having a great outside shot.

    Shooting takes skill, while driving is mostly strength and speed. I know tons of people who can drive but they can't finish. Personally I take more pride in being a good shooter than being a good driver because with my height I can get almost any shot I want.

  2. Both are pretty hard but I would say it's a little harder to be a great outside shooter. I mean shooting over the defense, not shooting wide open jumpers. Guys like Kobe can flat out nail a 3 in their defender's face. Ouch!

  3. Outside Shot

  4. I could take a very slow player and make them a good shooter if they wanted to do it.  I cannot make a slow player much quicker, other than getting them to stay in a stance that maximizes whatever quickness they have.

  5. depends on the player.

  6. Outside shot.

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