
Whats he difference between homo sapiens and Neanderthals

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you know, how did they differ from us and what made them die out and not us...all that jazz




  1. neanderthals died out because homo sapiens of that time out competed them. They were more specialist hunters who hunted and relied on large game animals passing by their camp. this often caused casualties omongst them.

    homo sapiens on the other hand exploited the foods that were in season (fruits, fish, small mammals, etc). if there was limiting food in the area they would up and go to set up camp elsewhere unlike the neanderthals who would remain at one set location.

    differences besides their appearance: homo sapiens had superior tool making skills, complex language, burial rituals, art (beads, figurines, sculptures that had meaning to them)

    thats as much as i can recall from 1st yr archaeology =)

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