
Whats hotter, Spain or Tunisia

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I've never been to Spain but I've been to Tunisia and it's damm hot there. Sometimes the world weather forcasts show Spain to be hotter than a lot of North African countries such as Morocco and Tunisia.

Has anyone been to both countries in the peak summers before? If so could you tell me what country you found hotter.




  1. I´m currently sat on my balcony in Spain (1 hour from Murcia) and believe me it´s hot!!!  What I would do for a down pour of rain! We were out today and it was 38.5 degrees. We seem to have the hottest weather mid July to mid August.  ...I guess I will have to suffer it!

  2. Tunisia definitely.. honestly I'm not just saying this but everytime i've been to spain its been quite cold - well ok I guess but not hot!!

  3. Tunisia is surely hotter, but i would be surprised if Spain did beat it sometimes, depends on cloud cover etc.. which Spain does not get a lot of during the summer months, in summer its not strange for the hottest temp to reach 40degrees on some days most days in July its 34 - 37degrees

  4. Tunisia is hotter but with humidity how make it supportable

    but the different is not big

  5. We both have it very very hot at the moment.

    Check out this weather site and you can see for yourself.

  6. Depends very much on the region in Spain. In central Andalucía it can be well above 50 centigrades, on the coast of Murcia in between 30/35, few days above 40, Up in the north at the same time of July/August just 22. Look at There you can put in names of towns, and you will get precise results.

  7. I live in Spain (Valencia) and I visited Tunisia for a week a couple of years ago in summer.  Tunisia felt very hot when I went there for a holiday from England.  Now that I live in Spain, I would say that Spain feels hotter.  Where I live it is really humid which makes you sweatier, whereas in Tunisia it was a drier heat and more bearable.

  8. I would expect Tunisia, because it borders or covers some of the Sahara.  

    But d**n!  I've been in Seville (frying pan of Spain) in some pretty hot weather!  And I know it's about as hot as Europe can get!  

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