
Whats in extacy / xtc / x .. ect. And why ?

by  |  earlier

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I know they put a sh*t load a bad chemicals in it, But i dont care.

I just want to know some things they put in it..


Speed- gives you alot of engergy, and speeds you up, rite ?

Herion- I heard they put it in it to make your buzz hit you faster

Then theres like meth.. I just wants to know things like that ^





  1. Ecstasy is MDMA.  It used to be used as a medication for post-traumatic stress disorder, for which it was fairly effective.  It makes you feel happy, excited, invulnerable, that sort of thing.  Also impairs your eyesight, dehydrates you and increases your heart rate.  And you feel depressed coming down.

    The other ingredients in ecstasy are inconsistent.  Often the MDMA is cut with more addictive substances (MDMA itself isn't physically addictive) and/or cheaper substances with similar effects, like caffeine, amphetamine, methamphetamine and ephedrine.  Some of these substances are significantly more dangerous than MDMA.  The other danger is with dosages.  There's no simple way to work out how much MDMA is in a pill, and it can vary considerably.  That's typically the cause of overdoses.

  2. MDMA or ecstasy


    Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (long name huh?)

    has methanphetamines in it


    and it is a dose of speed tehat messes with ur serotonin

    which increases ur happy levels

    and gives you an ecstasy (the real definition.. not the drug) kind of feeling

    or some would call it eutopic

    kind of high.

    (my favorite drug)

  3. speed and meth are the same things

    but noo they dont put heroin in ecstasy pills. heroin kills mdma(ecstasy) chemicals so if u got a ex pill mixed with heroin, heroin will be the only thing in it. and it wont even look like a nice pill itl look sloppy and rough and stuff cuz heroin is supposed to be powder (then melted into liquid). theres not a hole bunch of bad chemicals in ecstasy. theres one chemical called mdma. heroin effects a different part of your brain so even if they did put it in to make ur buzz come on faster it would be a heroin buzz, not an ecstasy buzz. ecstasy pills can have anything in them, mdma mixed with pcp, mdma mixed with meth, mdma mixed with tylenol, mdma mixed with morphine, anythig they want to put in it. ecstasy pills with poison in them if anyone tells u that, are not real. ecstasy pills are made in "boats" so they ship them in large numbers and there made al the same time in the same lab. why would they make 10,000 ecstasy pills with poison in them? so it can kill 10,000 people? so they can kil all there costumers then go to prison or get the c**p beat out of them? to the person above me : u cannot have an overdose off one pill and ecsasy overdoses are rare sinse one single stack ex pill can hold no more then about 70 mgs of anything and about 1,000 mg's of mdma will killl you so thats about 15 pills at once. u can take 15 pills a night (wouldnt recomend) but not all at once. but anyways, ex is just mdma. usually not mixed with anything more then 4 other substances in one pill. most common ex pills are laced with lsd, and meth.

    to the person below me... its not 'eutopic' its 'euphoric'

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