
Whats instrumental ensemble??

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I got my High school schedule. I have Orchestra, Which I auditioned for. But I also have a class called Instrumental ensemble?




  1. Generally, in orchestra there are more instruments/more players than in an ensemble, which is for small-scale music. The class gives you a chance to play music in a smaller group than orchestra.

  2. When I was in high school, we had the same thing... Orchestra was strings and a few select winds, brass, and percussion.

    Instrumental ensemble was a group of a bunch of winds, brass, and percussion- no strings.

    As the student body grew (and band enrollment grew), we split it up into Concert Band and Symphonic Band... SB was by audition and was the "select" group.

    I changed high schools halfway through to a bigger school, and they had Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Orchestra, and Instrumental Ensemble... WE was the "select" audition-only symphonic group, CB was more remedial, Orchestra was still strings and a few winds, and IE was actually a chamber music program.  Chamber music is small groups, and usually a mix of strings and winds (and brass), such as flute, clarinet, french horn, violin, cello (for example)... although the instrumentation differs.  Think classical combos instead of jazz combos.

    SO: if you're going to a small school, it may be a generic term for "band", and if you're going to a bigger school, it may be a very select group that will be a GREAT experience for you.  I would call your instrumental director  and ask, or wait til your first day of class and see how it goes- you might really dig it!  And if it's not for you, usually you have the first week to change your classes.

    Good luck, and hope you have fun! :)

  3. I suspect that it is a select group, but why don't you call the school music teacher or guidance department and ask.

  4. it sounds the sam to me. maybe in instrumental ensemble, they'd teach you how to use all the intruments used in an orchestra.

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