
Whats interesting endangered species are there?

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For my science homework i need to find an endangered species and write why it is at risk of extinction. i have found lots of endangered secies but i cant find out why.





  1. Decent Human Beings?

  2. here is a good one .

    few people have heard about it

    the 'antarctic hot headed mole'.

    they are endangered due to global warming

    and being the only antarctic land mammal they only have a few food sources. like penguins.

  3. Humpback whale has been in the news, Japanese are starting to kill em again (in small numbers)

  4. It might interest you (and your teacher) to know that there are many domestic farm animals that are endangered right here in the U.S.  These animals range from certain breeds of cattle, horses, goats, poultry, and even several domestic rabbits.

    There is a website that has a list of these animals, photos, and tells not only the history of these animals but why they have become endangered.  The link to the website is below.


  5. homo sapiens are becoming more endangered through pollutants in the atmosphere and numerous other man made catastrophies

  6. Polar Bears having big problems because of ice melt.  Look up Global Warming.  Should be more specifics under that title for starters.

    Check out the library for magazines on the subject.  See if you can find videos.  The info is out there.

  7. Manatees are fun to study about... I had to do an assignment on endangered species for biology in high school I did mine on the manatee, and I had so so much fun they are gentle shallow water giants related to the elephants. Sad thing is they're slowly dying due to boat propellers. If you study the manatees, trust me you will have so much fun studying this gentle giant.

  8. volchers are quite interesting and are lacking in numbers dont no why tho

  9. go with the panda bear, most endangered species are due to us but the panda is natural selection in process.

    if you would like me to elaborate e.mail me ;-)

  10. Try the polar bear. When the arctic freezes in winter the bear sleeps, relying on its fat reserves for food. In the summer they hunt seal from the ice in order to build up those fat reserves. With the ice receding further each summer the bears cannot hunt successfully and have to swim to the next floe, instead of being able to walk. Many bears have drowned in consequence.

  11. Non liberally indocrinated teenagers are getting scarce.

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