
Whats is good? an essay?

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so i'm writing an essay on what is good?

and i got stuck so.... come on then,

what is good??




  1. good is really a matter of perspective. take this for example. a woman shoots a man twice in broad daylight, once in the chest and once in the head. To all the surrounding people it looks like she has lost her mind. However, the man was a serial rapist and had raped the woman's daughter. He hired a good lawyer and got off with only a few years. Does that make it a good thing to rid the world of him?

    what if you have a friend who's fly was unzipped when he gave a speech to a room full of people. Is it kind to tell him afterwards and save further embarrassment or should you just ignore it? Some things that are taken for ultimate good, we can't understand right now. Heaven is the highest reward we know of but I know quite a few people who dread the idea of living forever. What about h**l? Is anyone bad enough to spend an eternity there? do bad people come out when they've paid their debts? do they come into Heaven? what if they relapse there? shall we have been brainwashed into only doing good? what would that be like? if you imagine every single person in this world doing 'good', which i suppose, is the final goal, what would this world be like. On whom would you unlease your frustration? have you ever felt like screaming when everybody is being overly helpful and humble? it's our nature to have mood swings and i'm not sure what life would be like without them. sorry if this didn't answer your question, but you did put it in philosophy, not homework help.

    ok, good things: generally getting A's in school; findidng your soulmate; reaching a happy medium; ice cream; life; rules; religion; conscience; decisiveness; the sun; the earth; communication...

  2. I would address the following points in whatever order seems right to you:







    And then, what links all of them together or divides any, if not all from each other.

  3. good is a variable subject and has no clear definitions - subject what could be good for me wouldn't not be for you.

    what could be good for the galaxy, a supernova forming stella nursery's if near us could be very bad indeed.

    there is no clear cut answer and never will be.

    here's a link, that describes good in detail. if your doing an essay, i would describe your interpretations of what is good in your minds eye for a personal  touch, and then approach the word good and definitions, with an end summary of how good interpreted across the world in different cultures, that a way id approach it.

    good luck with the essay :) interesting one :)

  4. Good to Me is when My 12 year old son does his own homework.

  5. prawn cocktail crisps

  6. Good things are usually useful, valuable, delicious or any positive things that bring benefits, fun, pleasure or happiness to most people. They may include good and healthy food, drinks,daily exercises, hobbies that improve health and fitness, voluntary jobs, useful gadgets, recycling, conservation, cleanliness, safety practices  or qualities like kindness, sincerity, compassion, truth, respect, obedience, diligence, co-operation, responsibility and generosity. The good things practised will encourage discipline, social order, reduce crimes, greater family unity, better relationships, work productivity, racial and religious harmony, high standards of living and world peace.

  7. good (g‹d) Abbr. gd., G, G. adj. bet·ter (bµt“…r), best (bµst). 1. Being positive or desirable in nature; not bad or poor. 2.a. Having the qualities that are desirable or distinguishing in a particular thing. b. Serving the desired purpose or end; suitable. 3.a. Not spoiled or ruined. b. In excellent condition; sound. 4.a. Superior to the average; satisfactory. b. Used formerly to refer to the U.S. Government grade of meat higher than standard and lower than choice. 5.a. Of high quality. b. Discriminating. 6. Worthy of respect; honorable. 7. Attractive; handsome. 8. Beneficial to health; salutary. 9. Competent; skilled. 10. Complete; thorough. 11.a. Reliable; sure. b. Valid or true. c. Genuine; real. 12.a. In effect; operative. b. Able to continue in a specified activity. 13.a. Able to pay or contribute. b. Able to elicit a specified reaction. 14.a. Ample; substantial. b. Bountiful. 15. Full. 16.a. Pleasant; enjoyable. b. Propitious; favorable. 17.a. Of moral excellence; upright. b. Benevolent; kind. c. Loyal; staunch. 18.a. Well-behaved; obedient. b. Socially correct; proper. 19. Sports. Having landed within bounds or within a particular area of a court. 20. Used to form exclamatory phrases expressing surprise or dismay. --good n. 1.a. Something that is good. b. A good, valuable, or useful part or aspect. 2. Welfare; benefit. 3. Goodness; virtue. 4. goods.a. Commodities; wares. b. Portable personal property. c. (used with a sing. or pl. verb). Fabric; material. 5. goods. Slang. Incriminating information or evidence. --good adv. Informal. Well. --idioms. as good as. Practically; nearly. for good. Permanently; forever. good and. Informal. Very; thoroughly. no good. Informal. 1. Worthless. 2. Futile; useless. to the good. 1. For the best; advantageous. 2. In an advantageous financial position.

    best (bµst) adj. Superlative of good. 1. Surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality; most excellent. 2. Most satisfactory, suitable, or useful; most desirable. 3. Greatest; most. --best adv. Superlative of well2. 1. In a most excellent way; most creditably or advantageously. 2. To the greatest degree or extent; most. --best n. 1. One that surpasses all others. 2. The best part, moment, or value. 3. The optimum condition or quality. 4. One's nicest or most formal clothing. 5. The supreme effort one can make. 6. One's warmest wishes or regards. --best tr.v. best·ed, best·ing, bests. To get the better of; beat. --idioms. at best. 1. Interpreted most favorably; at the most. 2. Under the most favorable conditions. for the best. With an ultimately positive or preferable result. get the best of or have the best of. To outdo or outwit; defeat.

    bet·ter1 (bµt“…r) adj. Comparative of good. 1. Greater in excellence or higher in quality than another of the same class, set, or kind. 2. More useful, suitable, or desirable than another or others. 3. More highly skilled or adept than another or others. 4. Greater or larger. 5. More advantageous or favorable than others; improved. 6. Healthier or more fit than before. --bet·ter adv. Comparative of well2. 1. In a more excellent way. 2.a. To a greater extent or degree. b. To greater advantage; preferably. 3. More. --bet·ter n. 1. One that is greater in excellence or higher in quality than another or others. 2. A superior, as in standing, competence, or intelligence. --bet·ter v. bet·tered, bet·ter·ing, bet·ters. --tr. 1. To make better; improve. 2. To surpass or exceed. --intr. To become better. --idioms. for the better. Resulting in or aiming at an improvement. had better. Usage Problem. Ought to; must. think better of. To change one's mind about (a course of action) after reconsideration.

    American Heritage Dictionary

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