
Whats is the difference between beautiful and s**y?

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People seem to use the words so they mean the same thing? And if they are different please explain....come on its worth 10 points




  1. beautiful is a new born baby - or a sunset - or the moonlight, nature, trees, flowers, architecture.  s**y is man made  

  2. 8 Pints

  3. beautiful is aesthetically pleasing. s**y is um, they are attractive in a way  that makes you want to have s*x with them. your mother may be beautiful but i dont think you would consider her s**y.

    someone can be s**y but not beautiful too.

    or someone can be beautiful and not s**y. um, s*x is the operative word, do they make you want to have s*x with them?

  4. I guess it's god's blessing if someone is born beautiful.. that means near to perfection in looks.. perfect body and face... I believe s**y doesn't necessarily mean a person has to be beautiful..  a person can be just good looking but a s**y person radiates self confidence and some vibrance and a kind of alluring smile... is giving off the right body language.. is dressing in a s**y but not S****y way.. sophisticated s**y.. knowing what brings out his or her best body features and is self confident enough to show them off without being vulgar about it.. all is done in good taste.. a beautiful person may not have that self confidence.. as we are either born with beauty or we are not.. and it's sometimes hard to have to live up to this perfect outer image... maybe they are drop dead gorgeous looking but they carry themselves in a bad posture, they may not dress in the way they should or could to underlign their true beauty.. and maybe they are very shy people who don't have the confidence to smile at others and to use body language.. so they are very beautiful but don't put it to use.. and a less beautiful person can have what it takes to appear s**y to others because they got s*x appeal by the way they smile, dress and carry themselves and how they use body language to their advantage..

  5. They are very close, and I can see how you can get confused.

    s**y is a more adult term. defining looks/outfits as sexually desirable on a man/woman.

    beautiful is a word just referring to a woman/ girl.

    If you told a guy his daughter was beautiful he would agree. Tell him shes s**y and he would slug you.  

  6. beautiful is like hot and buffness and s**y is like horny!!!

  7. Chimpanzees recognise s**y...only the gods and the luckiest human beings have seen beauty.

  8. Obviously this is my opinion, or perception of these two words:

    Beautiful - to be beautiful one must have everything from the inside out and vice versa, not necessarily pertaining to looks alone.  

    s**y - attributed generally to looks, body language, a look, a feature.

  9. beautiful: having beauty, having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.;

    delighting the senses or mind,extraordinary; incredible,wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying.

    s**y: sexually interesting or exciting; radiating sexuality, concerned predominantly or excessively with s*x.

    Hope this helps!

  10. beautiful is like really pretty and s**y is like party in the

  11. beautiful is a pretty face

    sexxy is her face her walk her talk the seducktive way she look at you(just everything about a person)



  12. you can be beautiful and s**y, Or you can have inner beauty which is much more important, s**y could also mean sleazy.Now Shrek the is beautiful and s**y!

  13. Well, let's put it this way, a woman who is beautiful to behold is not necessarily s**y. She may not make you want to leap into bed with her, and she may not want you to leap into bed with her.

    Think about handsome men. Some of the best looking men aren't even heterosexual. Of course, there are men who might find that s**y

  14. a thing of beauty is a joy forever. dont see myself getting tired of s**y though lol

  15. Beautiful is the nice way of saying s**y and you know the rest, as being applied to people, beauty can also cover a lot of things such as cars flowers scenery etc..

  16. I think beautiful is when the woman is naturally pretty. Even without make up that person is gorgeous.

    I think s**y is when the woman is physically attractive. As in, a nice butt, b***s, etc.

    These are just my opinions though lol.

  17. beautiful is geniuine and beautiful on the inside as well as out...however s**y is more so ina S****y way as in thats someone that guys may want to have s*x with and afterward have nothin to do with

    hope that answerd ur question! oxoxox

  18. Beautiful is when you can appreciate something with your eyes.  s**y is when you want to get nuts deep in their plunge!

  19. for example you can't say "s**y house" or "s**y car"...

    some women are s**y but not beutiful...

    others are beautiful but not s**y...

    in any case "if there are two words it means they both are needed"


  20. to me, beautiful is like flowers, newborn baby, and a woman who doesn't look sluty, but pretty. and s**y is like angelina jolie

  21. To me Beauty is the same as attractiveness. Many women are beautiful but not pretty.

      s**y refers just to carnal attraction, sexual attraction.


    beatuiful is like. you know? angel and gorgeous. something that you just like to look at. if a person is beautiful you wanna look at them and its just pretty and calm. s**y is like. hoochie mama, s**y you want a guy cuz of his abs, his hair. a girl for their curves and b***s.

    also beatuiful can mean on the inside and stuff :D

    beautiful is better. if a guy says your beautiful, thats realy romantic and sweet and he loves you. s**y is like i wanna get in your pants.

  23. To be s**y involves having confidence, charisma, charm - a certain something, whereas being beautiful is to have a pretty face or a lovely smile.

  24. A beautiful woman is amazing to look at with her lovely elegance, grace and radiance. Any beautiful woman can easily be considered s**y.

    s**y can be achieved by many who may not necessarily be considered beautiful. s**y comes from how one expresses or dresses ones self (not always intentional) in a way that attracts others and creates erotic desires in others.

  25. interesting question...tell me when you find out...

  26. From what i have come to understand is that when a man says a woman is s**y he seems to be only focusing on the physical appearance of woman other than that and her personality.

    Being beautiful, from what my best guy friend has told me, is being beautiful inside and out. It isn't all about the physical traits as much as it is about personality. Being beautiful is sooo much more than a perfect body. It's being self confident, polite, comfortable with being yourself no matter where you are.

    That is the difference for me  

  27. Personally i think someone can be one without the other.

    s**y is more a sexual opinion whereas beautiful is more like a pure thought.

    For example, you would say a child is beautiful but not s**y.

    And a person can have a beautiful personality, but you wouldn't really say it's s**y.

    I don't know if I've explained myself very well but I know what I mean.

  28. s**y comes from within. Not to say beauty doesn't, but someone that is s**y has an intrigueing demeanor and  strong pherimones that automatically makes them "attractive". Beautiful is a flawless appearance, and inside beauty is a selfless, giving and caring human being.  

  29. Beautiful can be applied to anything that is beautiful... children, adults, flowers, countryside, animals, insects, clothes, household objects, cars.

    s**y is usually used to describe an adult person who has s*x appeal, who you may find attractive or want to have s*x with.

  30. Beauty has to do with physicality alone. It is based purely on the appeal to the eye, not to the mind. So a woman can be beautiful but not s**y because sexiness has to do with mentality as much as physical looks. She may look physically really attractive but may not have the mind to make her s**y. You have to think you are s**y to be s**y.

    beauty = physical looks

    s**y = looks + mentality

  31. i would say that beautiful means you're natural look like a pear of jeans no make-up and a top, for s**y i would say lots of tight things and some make-up. :D

    i hope this helps.  

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